PUBLIC LAW 102-368 —SEPT. 23, 1992 106 STAT. 1125 Law 102-172), not less than $5,000,000 shall be made available only for the National Defense Environmental Corporation, or its successor in interest, for the continued establishment and operation of the National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence. SEC. 205. Funds appropriated to the Department of Defense in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1991 (Public Law 101-511) and made available for transfer to the Department of Commerce and the Department of Labor to assist State and local governments significantly impacted by reductions in defense industry employment or reductions in the number of military and civilian personnel residing in such States and communities shall be available until September 30, 1997. SEC. 206. Notwithstanding section 2391 of title 10, United States Code, the Secretary of Defense may make a grant of $1,100,000 to assist Astoria, Oregon in the planning, design and modification of facilities and support infirastructure to accommodate new Navy Minesweeper/Minehunter vessels. SEC. 207. Of the funds appropriated under the heading "Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army" in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1992 (Public Law 102-172; 105 Stat. 1164), $8,000,000 shall be available only for neurofibromatosis research. SEC. 208. Funds available to the Department of Defense for the payment of allowances under the provisions of section 405a of title 37, United States Code, may be used to make payments of such allowances retroactive to August 23, 1992: Provided, That dependents residing incident to government orders in the vicinity of Homestead Air Force Base, Florida on August 23, 1992 who actually moved to a safe haven designated by an authority ordering the departure of dependents shall be entitled to an allowance under the provisions of section 405a of title 37, United States Code, notwithstanding the fact that the member's duty station may have been at a place other than Homestead Air Force Base: Provided further, That for the purpose of section 5725 of title 5, United States Code, the departure of civilian employees of the Department of Defense and their dependents from the vicinity of Homestead Air Force Base on or after August 23, 1992 shall be considered to be an evacuation: Provided further. That funds available to the Department of Defense shall be available until September 30, 1994 for the payment of up to $40,000 per claim for personal property damage and losses to members of the uniformed services residing in the vicinity of Homestead Air Force Base as a result of Hurricane Andrew: Provided further. That the allowances and Armed Forces, benefits provided under this paragraph shall be made available under equal terms and conditions to members of the uniformed services residing in the vicinity of military installations affected by Typhoon Omar and Hurricane Iniki. SEC. 209. Funds appropriated for the Office of Economic Acyustment at the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1992 are reduced by $1,000,000, and funds appropriated for the Ofi&ce of the Secretary of Defense for fiscal year 1992 are increased by $1,000,000 for the purpose of making an economic impact grant to Nye County, Nevada. Government employees.