106 STAT. 1134 PUBLIC LAW 102-368 —SEPT. 23, 1992 Sonya H. Weiss For payment to Sonya H. Weiss, widow of Theodore S. Weiss, late a Representative from the State of New York, $129,500. TITLE XI EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS PROVID- ING ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDS RESULTING FROM NATU- RAL DISASTERS CHAPTER I DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES For an additional amount for "Buildings and facilities" to cover the costs for the restoration of Federal research facilities destroyed or damaged by natural disasters such as Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki or TVphoon Omar, $15,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That Congress hereby designates this amount as an emergency requirement for all purposes of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION FUND CROP LOSSES For an additional amount for the Commodity Credit Corporation Fluid" to cover crop losses associated with natural disasters such as Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki or Typhoon Omar, $482,000,000, of which $100,000,000 shall be available only to tfie extent an official budget request, for a specific dollar amount, that includes designation of the entire amount of the request as an emergency requirement as defined in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, is transmitted by the President to the Congress, to remain available through September 30, 1993: Provided, That this additional amount is hereby made available as authorized by the terms and conditions specified in Public Law 101-624 and Public Law 102-229: Provided further. That such funds shall be available for payments to aquaculture producers and to oyster farmers who harvest oysters commercially: Provided further, That in establishing yields for disaster payments to producers of the 1992 crop of sugarcane and sugar beets, the Secretary of Agriculture may make adjustments to county yields for adverse weather conditions during the 1989, 1990, and 1991 crop years; Provided further. That, notwithstanding any other provision of law or statute, any producer of crops and livestock wno has suffered at least 40 percent loss to a program crop, 25 percent loss to livestock, and damage to building structures in 1992 as a consequence of a microburst wind occurrence shall be eligible for Emer-