106 STAT. 1246 PUBLIC LAW 102-375—SEPT. 30, 1992 "(IV) through multigenerational activities described in section 307(a)(41XB) or subpart 3 of parte of title III; "(V) through supportive services described in section 321(a)(21); or "(VI) through disease prevention and health promotion services described in section 363(5); and "(B) education, training, and information dissemination projects, including— "(i) projects for the provision of gerontological training to music therapists, and education and training of individuals in the aging network regarding the efficacy and benefits of music therapy for older individuals; and "(ii) projects for disseminating to the aging network and to music therapists background materials
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on music therapy, best practice manuals, and other information on providing music therapy to older individuals; and " (12)(A) establish, in accordance with subparagraph (B), nationwide, statewide, regional, metropoliten area, county, city, or community model volimteer service credit projects to demonstrate methods to improve or expand supportive services or nutrition services, or otherwise promote the wellbeing of older individuals; "(B) for purposes of paying part or all of the cost of developing or operating the projects, in the fiscal year, make not fewer than three and not more than five grants to, or contracts with, public agencies or nonprofit private organizations in such State; and "(C) ensure that the projects will be operated in consultetion with the ACTION Agency and will permit older individuals who are volunteers to earn, for services furnished, credits that may be redeemed later for similar volunteer services."; and (3) in subsection (d)(2)— (A) by inserting "(A)" after the paragraph designation; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ^po^- "(B) An agency or organization that receives a grant or enters into a contract to carry out a project described in subparagraph (A) or (B)(i) of subsection (b)(H) shall submit to the Commissioner a report conteining— "(i) the results, and findings based on the results, of such project; and "(ii) the recommendations of the agency or organization, if the agency or organization provided music therapy, regarding means by which music therapy could be made available, in an efficient and effective manner, to older individuals who would benefit from the therapy.". SEC. 407. SPECIAL PROJECTS IN COMPREHENSIVE LONG-TERM CARE. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 423 of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3035b) is amended to read as follows: •SEC. 423. SPECIAL PROJECTS IN COMPREHENSIVE LONG-TERM CARE. "(a) DEFINITIGNS.—As used in this section: