PUBLIC LAW 102-375—SEPT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 1261 vide services under title III in geographical areas that contcdn a large number of older individuals with greatest economic need or older individuals with greatest social need. "(c) MONITORING.—The Commissioner shall monitor how— "(1) grants are expended, and contracts are carried out, under subsection (a); and "(2) resources generated under such grants and contracts are expended, to ensure compliance with this section.". SEC. 418. CAREER PREPARATION FOR THE FIELD OF AGING. Part B of title IV of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3034-3035g) (as amended by the preceding sections) is amended by adding at the end the following: "SEC. 4291. CAREER PREPARATION FOR THE FIELD OF AGING. 42 USC 3035q. "(a) GRANTS.—The Commissioner shall make grants to institutions of higher education, historicallv black colleges or universities, Hispanic Centers of Excellence in Applied Gerontology, and other educational institutions that serve the needs of minority students, to provide education and training to prepare students for careers in uie field of aging. "(b) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of subsection (a): "(1) HISPANIC CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN APPLIED GERON- TOLOGY.—The term 'Hispanic Center of Excellence in Applied (jrerontology* means an institution of higher education with a program in applied gerontology that— "(A) has a significant number of Hispanic individuals enrolled in the program, including individuals accepted for enrollment in the program; "(B) has been effective in assisting Hispanic students of the program to complete the program and receive the degree involved; "(C) has been effective in recruiting Hispanic individuals to attend the program, including providing scholarships and other financial assistance to such individuals and encouraging Hispanic students of secondary educational institutions to attend the program; and "(D) has made significant recruitment efforts to increase the number and placement of Hispanic individuals serving in faculty or administrative positions in the program. "(2) HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY.— The term historically black college or university has the meaning given the term 'part B institution' in section 322(2) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061(2)). SEC. 419. PENSION INFORMATION AND COUNSELING DEMONSTRA- TION PROJECTS. Part B of title IV of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3034-3035g) (as amended by the preceding sections) is amended by adding at the end the following: "SEC. 429J. PENSION RIGHTS DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS. 42 USC 3035r. "(a) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section: "(1) PENSION RIGHTS INFORMATION PROGRAM. —The term 'pension rights information program' means a program described in subsection (c).