106 STAT. 1322 PUBLIC LAW 102-377—OCT. 2, 1992 the Chief of Engineers, is directed to undertake further construction aspects of the Bethel, Alaska, Bank Stabilization Project as authorized by Public Law 99-662 including but not limited to the installation of steel whalers and additional rock toe protection to the pipe pile, bulkheads and other areas vulnerable to collapse: Provided further, That no fully allocated funding policy shall apply to construction of the Bethel, Alaska, Bank Stabilization Project and to the greatest extent possible the work described herein should be compatible with the authorized project: Provided further, That using funds made available in this Act or any previous appropriations Act, the Secretary of the Army shall construct a project for streambank protection along 2.2 miles of the Tennessee River adjacent to Sequoyah Hills Park in Knoxville, Tennessee, at a total cost of $600,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $450,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $150,000: Provided further, That with $3,000,000 of the funds appropriated herein, the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized and directed to excavate the St. George Harbor, Alaska, entrance to -20 MLLW in accordance with the cost-sharing provisions in Public Law 99-662: Provided further. That using $250,000 of funds appropriated herein, the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed to demolish and remove the India Point Railroad Bridge in the Seekonk River, Providence, Rhode Island as authorized by section 1166(c) of Public Law 99-662: Provided further. That with $600,000 of the funds appropriated herein, to remain available until expended, the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to correct a design deficiency at the Falls Lake, North Carolina project, is authorized and directed to implement Plan 5 as described in the Design Memo Supplement dated November 1988, concurred in by the South Atlantic Division Engineer in March 1989, or any modifications to Plan 5 that would require raising the spillway only, or that minimize or eliminate the need for land acquisition by the Corps, provided such modifications are agreeable to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources and do not compromise the projected water supply levels, with cost sharing as prescribed in the referenced report for this design deficiency; and, in addition, $130,000,000, to remain available until expended, is hereby appropriated for construction of the Red River Waterway, Mississippi River to Shreveport, Louisiana, project, and the Secretary of the Army is directed to continue the second phase of construction of Locks and Dams 4 and 5; to continue construction of the Curtis and Eagle Bend, Phase I, Revetments in Pool 5 which were pre- 1 viously directed to be initiated in fiscal year 1992; to complete construction of the Carroll and Cupples Capouts, McDade, Moss, Sunny Point, and Eagle Bend, Phase II, Revetments in Pools 4 and 5 which were previously directed to be initiated; to award continuing contracts in fiscal year 1993 for construction of the following features of the Red River Waterway which are not to be considered fully funded: recreation facilities in Pools 4 and 5, Howard Capout, Westdale Capout, Piermont Capout, Coushatta fiood damage repairs, and Twelvemile Bayou Bend Revetment adjacent to Wells Island Road.