PUBLIC LAW 102-377—OCT. 2, 1992 106 STAT. 1329 Fund pursuant to section 5 of the Boulder Canyon Project Adjustment Act of July 19, 1940 (43 U.S.C. 618d), and such readvances since October 1, 1984, and in the future shall bear interest at the rate determined pursuant to section 104(a)(5) of Public Law 98-381: Provided further. That funds advanced by water users for operation and maintenance of reclamation projects or parts thereof shall be deposited to the credit of this appropriation and may be expended for the same purpose and in the same manner as sums appropriated herein may be expended, and such advances shall remain available until expended: Provided further, That revenues in the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund shall be available for performing examination of existing structures on participating projects of the Colorado River Storage Project, the costs of which shall be nonreimbursable: Provided further. That of the funds appropriated herein, $3,250,000 shall be available for environmental studies associated with the renewal of Central Valley Project, California, water contracts and environmental compliance. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION LOANS PROGRAM ACCOUNT For the cost, as defined in section 13201 of the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, of direct loans and/or grants, $3,502,000, to remain available until expended, as authorized by the Small Reclamation Projects Act of August 6, 1956, as amended (43 U.S.C. 422a-4221): Provided, That such costs, including the cost of modify- ing such loans, shall be as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974: Provided further, That these funds are available to subsidize gross obligations for the principal amount of direct loans not to exceed $8,000,000. In addition, for administrative expenses necessary to carry out the program for direct loans and/or grants, $600,000: Provided, That of the total sums appropriated, the amount of program activities which can be financed by the reclamation fund shall be derived from the fund. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES For necessary expenses of general administration and related functions in the office of the Commissioner, the Denver office, and offices in the five regions of the Biureau of Reclamation, $53,745,000, of which $1,177,000 shall remain available until expended, the total amount to be derived from the reclamation fund and to be nonreimbursable pursuant to the Act of April 19, 1945 (43 U.S.C. 377): Provided, That no part of any other appropriation in this Act shall be available for activities or functions budgeted for the current fiscal year as general administrative expenses. EMERGENCY FUND For an additional amount for the "Emergency fund", as author- 43 USC 502 note. ized by the Act of June 26, 1948 (43 U.S.C. 502), as amended, to remain available until expended for the purposes specified in said Act, $1,000,000, to be derived from the reclamation fund. 59-194 O—93 15:QL3(Pt. 2)