PUBLIC LAW 102-380—OCT. 5, 1992 106 STAT. 1369 FAMILY HOUSING, AIR FORCE For expenses of family housing for the Air Force for construction, including acquisition, replacement, addition, expansion, extension and alteration and for operation and maintenance, including debt payment, leasing, minor construction, principal and interest charges, and insurance premiums, as authorized by law, as follows: for Construction, $283,786,000, to remain available until September 30, 1997; for Operation and maintenance, and for debt payment, $927,941,000; in all $1,211,727,000. FAMILY HOUSING, DEFENSE AGENCIES For expenses of family housing for the activities and agencies of the Department of Defense (other than the military departments) for operation and maintenance, leasing, and minor construction, as authorized by law, $28,400,000. HOMEOWNERS ASSISTANCE FUND, DEFENSE For use in the Homeowners Assistance Fund established pursuant to section 1013(d) of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-754, as amended), $133,000,000. BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT, PART I For deposit into the Department of Defense Base Closure Account established by section 207(a)(l) of the Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Closure and Realignment Act (Public Law 100-526), $415,700,000, to remain available for obligation until September 30, 1995: Provided, That none of these funds may be obligated for base realignment and closure activities under Public Law 100-526 which would cause the Department's $1,800,000,000 cost estimate for military construction and family housing related to the Base Realignment and Closure Program to be exceeded: Provided further, That not less than $134,600,000 of the funds appropriated herein shall be available solely for environmental restoration. BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT, PART II For deposit into the Department of Defense Base Closure Account 1990 established by section 2906(a)(l) of the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1991 (Public Law 101-510), $1,618,600,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That not less than $308,900,000 of the funds appropriated herein shall be available solely for environmental restoration. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 101. None of the funds appropriated in Military Construction Appropriations Acts shall be expended for pa3niients under a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contract for work, where cost estimates exceed $25,000, to be performed within the United States, except Alaska, without the specific approval in writing of the Secretary of Defense setting forth the reasons therefor.