106 STAT. 1424 PUBLIC LAW 102-382—OCT. 5, 1992 45-2111), based upon its capability of repayments as determined each year by the Council of the District of Columbia from the Finance Agency's annual audited financied statements to the Council of the District of Columbia, shall repay to the general fund an amount equal to the appropriated administrative costs plus interest at a rate of four percent per annum for a term or 15 years, with a deferral of payments for the first three years: Provided further, That notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the obligation to repay all or part of the amounts due shall be subiect to the rights of the owners of any bonds or notes issued by the Finance Agency and shall be repaid to the District of Columbia government only from available operating revenues of the Finance Agency that are in excess of the amounts required for debt service, reserve funds, and operating expenses: Provided further, That upon commencement of the debt service payments, such payments shall be deposited into the general fund of the District of Columbia. PUBLIC SAFETY AND JUSTICE (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Public safety and justice, including purchase of 135 passengercarrying vehicles for replacement only, including 130 for poucetype use and five for fire-type use, without regard to the general purchase price limitation for the ciurent fiscal year, $945,551,000, together with $1,523,000 to be derived by transfer from the object classes providing personal services under the appropriation heamng "Governmental Direction and Support": Provided, That the Metropolitan Police Department shall maintain a force of not less than 4,889 officers and members: Provided fuHher, That $188,200,000 shall be allocated for the Police Omcers and Fire Fighters' Retirement Fund and $4,300,000 shall be allocated for the Judges' Retirement Fund: Provided further. That the Metropolitan Police Department is authorized to replace not to exceed 25 passengercarrying vehicles and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia is authorized to replace not to exceed five passenger-carrying vehicles annually whenever the cost of repair to any damaged vehicle exceeds three-fourths of the cost of the replacement: Provided further. That not to exceed $500,000 shall be available from this appropriation for the Chief of Police for the prevention and Reports. detection of crime: Provided further. That the Metropoliten Police Department shall provide quarterly reports to the Committees on Appropriations of the House and Senate on efforts to increase eniciency and improve the professionalism in the department: Provided further, Tnat notwithstanding any other provision of law, or Mayor's Order 86-45, issued March 18, 1986, the Metropolitan Police Department's delegated small purchase authority shall be $500,000: Provided further. That the District of Columbia government may not require the Metropolitan Police Department to submit to any otner procurement review process, or to obtain the approval of or be restricted in any manner by any official or employee of the District of Columbia government, for purchases that do not exceed $500,000: Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be used to pay any full-duty employee of the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department who is detailed for more than 30 days annually from his or her assigned position in the Firefighting Division or Emergency Ambulance Division to an unfunded or unauthorized position