106 STAT. 1430 PUBLIC LAW 102-382—OCT. 5, 1992 requirements and restrictions that are applicable to general fund capital improvement projects and set forth in this Act under the Capital Outiay appropriation title shall apply to projects approved under this appropriation title: Provided further. That not to exceed $22,705,000 m water and sewer enterprise fund operating revenues shall be available for pay-as -you-go capital projects. LOTTERY AND CHARITABLE GAMES ENTERPRISE FUND For the Lottery and Charitable Games Enterprise Fund, established by the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1982, approved December 4, 1981 (95 Stat. 1174, 1175; Public Law 97-91), as amended, for the purpose of implementing the Law to Legalize Lotteries, Daily Numbers Games, and Bingo and Raffles for Charitable Purposes in the District of Colimibia, effective March 10, 1981 (D.C. Law 3-172; D.C. Code, secs. 2 -2501 et seq. and 22-1516 et seq.), $8,450,000, to be derived from non-Federal District of Columbia revenues: Provided, That the District of Columbia shall identi^ the source of funding for this appropriation title from the District's own locally- generated revenues: Provided further, That no revenues from Federal sources shall be used to support the operations or activities of the Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board. CABLE TELEVISION ENTERPRISE FUND For the Cable Television Enterprise Fund, established by the Cable Television Communications Act of 1981, effective October 22, 1983 (D.C. Law 5-36; D.C. Code, sec. 43-1801 et seq.), $2,500,000. STARPLEX FUND For the Starplex Fund, an amount necessary for the expenses incurred by the Armory Board in the exercise of its powers granted by An Act To Establish a District of Coliimbia Armory Board, and for other purposes, approved June 4, 1948 (62 Stat. 339; D.C. Code, sec. 2-301 et seq.) and the District of Columbia Stadium Act of 1957, approved September 7, 1957 (71 Stat. 619; Public Law 85-300; D.C. Code, sec. 2-321 et seq.), of which $1,847,000 shall be transferred to the general fund: Provided, That the Mayor shall submit a budget for the Armoiy Board for the forthcoming fiscal year as required by section 442(b) of the District of Columbia Self-Government and (jrovemmental Reorganization Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 824; Public Law 93-198; D.O. Code, sec. 47-301(b)). GENERAL PROVISIONS Public SEC. 101. The expenditure of any appropriation under this information. ^^ f^^ ^^y consulting service through procurement contract, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3109, shall be limited to those contracts where such expenditures are a matter of public record and available for public inspection, except where otherwise provided under existing law, or under existing Executive order issued pursuant to existing law. SEC. 102. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, all vouchers covering expenditures of appropriations contained in this Act shall