PUBLIC LAW 102-391—OCT. 6, 1992 106 STAT. 1657 appropriation item made available by this Act shall be obligated during the last month of availability. PROHmrnoN AGAINST PAY TO FOREIGN ARMED SERVICE MEMBER SEC. 503. None of the funds appropriated in this Act nor any of the counterpart funds generated as a result of assistance hereunder or any prior Act shall be used to pay pensions, annuities, retirement pay, or adjusted service compensation for any person heretofore or hereafter serving in the armed forces of any recipient country. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE SEC. 504. None of the funds appropriated or made available pursuant to this Act for carrying out the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, may be used for making payments on any contract for procurement to which the United States is a party entered into after the date of enactment of this Act which does not contain a provision authorizing the termination of such contract for the convenience of the United States. PROHIBITION OF PAYMENTS TO UNITED NATIONS MEMBERS SEC. 505. None of the funds appropriated or made available pursuant to this Act for carrying out the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, may be used to pay in whole or in part any assessments, arrearages, or dues of any member of the United Nations. PROHIBITION OF BILATERAL FUNDING FOR INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS SEC. 506. None of the funds contained in title II of this Act may be used to carry out the provisions of section 209(d) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. AID RESIDENCE EXPENSES SEC. 507. Of the funds appropriated or made available pursuant to this Act, not to exceed $126,500 shall be for official residence expenses of the Agency for International Development during the current fiscal year: Provided, That appropriate steps shall be taken to assure that, to the maximum extent possible. United Statesowned foreign currencies are utilized in lieu of dollars. AID ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES SEC. 508. Of the funds appropriated or made available pursuant to this Act, not to exceed $5,000 shall be for entertainment expenses of the Agency for International Development during the current fiscal year. REPRESENTATIONAL ALLOWANCES SEC. 509. Of the funds appropriated or made available pursuant to this Act, not to exceed $95,000 shall be available for representation allowances for the Agency for International Development during the current fiscal year: Provided, That appropriate steps shall Foreign be taken to assure that, to the maximum extent possible. United currencies. States-owned foreign currencies are utilized in lieu of dollars: Provided further. That of the funds made available by this Act for