PUBLIC LAW 102-392-OCT. 6, 1992 106 STAT. 1711 Hundred Second Congress, agreed to March 25, 1992, $906,000, to remain available until September 30, 1993. Such funds shall be available for payment, on a direct or reimbursable basis, for such construction, salaries, and expenses, whether incurred on, before, or after, October 1, 1992. JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE For salaries and expenses of the Joint Economic Committee, $4,020,000. I JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING I i For salaries and expenses of the Joint Committee on Printing, $1,391,000. JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION For salaries and expenses of the Joint Committee on Taxation, $5,759,000, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. For other joint items, as follows: OFFICE OF THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN For medical supplies, equipment, and contingent expenses of the emergency rooms, and for the Attending Physician and his assistants, including (1) an allowance of $1,500 per month to the Attending Physician; (2) an allowance of $500 per month each to two medical officers while on duty in the Attending Physician's office; (3) an allowance of $500 per month each to two assistants and $400 per month each to not to exceed nine assistants on the basis heretofore provided for such assistance; and (4) $973,000 for reimbursement to the Department of the Navy for expenses incurred for staff and equipment assigned to the Office of the Attending Physician, which shall be advanced and credited to the applicable appropriation or appropriations from which such salaries, allowances, and other expenses are payable and shall be available for all the purposes thereof, $1,509,000, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. CAPITOL POLICE BOARD CAPITOL POUCE SALARIES For the Capitol Police Board for salaries, including overtime, and Government contributions to employees' benefits funds, as authorized by law, of officers, members, and employees of the Capitol Police, $62,852,000, of which $31,000,500 is provided to the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House, and $31,851,500 is provided to the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate: Provided, That of the amounts appropriated for fiscal year 1993 for salaries, including overtime, and Government contributions to employees' benefits funds under this heading, such amoiuits as may be necessary may be transferred between the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives and the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, upon approval of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Appropriations of tibe Senate.