PUBLIC LAW 102-393—OCT. 6, 1992 106 STAT. 1781 "(iv) the United States Customs Service or the Internal Revenue Service with respect to a violation of chapter 53 of this title (relating to the Bank Secrecy Act); and "(v) the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms with respect to a violation of— (I) section 842(h) of title 18; " (II) section 844(d), (e), (0, (g), (h), or (i) of title 18; or "(III) section 924(c) of title 18; "(C) payment of costs for publicizing awards available under section 619 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1619); "(D) payment for equipment for any vessel, vehicle, or aircraft available for omcial use by a Department of the Treasury law enforcement organization to enable the vessel, vehicle, or aircraft to assist in law enforcement fimctions, and for other equipment directly related to seizure or forfeitiire, including laboratory equipment, protective equipment, communications equipment, and the operation and maintenance costs of such equipment; "(E) payment for equipment for any vessel, vehicle, or aircraft available for omcial use by a State or local law enforcement agency to enable the vessel, vehicle, or aircraft to assist in law enforcement functions if the vessel, vehicle, or aircraft will be used in joint law enforcement operations with a Department of the Treasury law enforcement organization; "(F) payment of overtime salaries, travel, fuel, training, equipment, and other similar costs of State or local law enforcement officers that are incurred in joint law enforcement operations with a Department of the Treasury law enforcement organization; "(G) reimbursement of private persons for expenses incurred by such persons in cooperating with a Department of the Treasury law enforcement organization in investigations and undercover law enforcement operations; "(H) payment for training foreign law enforcement personnel with respect to seizure or forfeiture activities of the Department of the Treasury; and "(I) payment made pursuant to guidelines promulgated by the Secretary, if such payment is necessary and directly related to seizure and forfeiture program expenses for— "(i) the purchase or lease of automatic data processing systems (not less than a majority of which use will be related to such program); "(ii) training; "(iii) printing; and "(iv) contracting for services directlv related to^ "(I) the identification of forfeitable assets; "(II) the processing of and accounting for forfeitures; and "(III) the storage, maintenance, protection, and destruction of controlled substances. "(b) LIMITATIONS.— "(1) Any payment made under subparagraph (D) or (E) of subsection (a)(l) with respect to a seizure or a forfeiture