PUBLIC LAW 102-394—OCT. 6, 1992 106 STAT. 1801 or advances to this appropriation for not in excess of the full cost of such training: Provided further, That funds appropriated under this heading shall be available for payment of the costs of medical care, related expenses, and burial expenses hereafter incurred by or on behalf of any person who had participated in the study of untreated syphilis initiated in Tuskegee, Alabama, in 1932, in such amounts and subject to such terms and conditions as prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Himian Services and for payment, in such amounts and subject to such terms and conditions, of such costs and expenses hereafter incurred by or on behalf of such person's wife or ofTspring determined by the Secretary to have suffered injury or disease from sjnphilis contracted from such person: Provided further. That amounts received by the National Center for Health Statistics from reimbursable and interagency agreements and the sale of data tapes may be credited to this appropriation and shall remain available until expended: Provided further. That in addition to amounts provided herein, up to $29,106,000 shall be available from amounts available under section 2711 of the Public Health Service Act, to carry out the National Center for Health Statistics surveys: Provided further, That employees of the Public Health Service, both civilian and Commissioned Officer, detailed to States or municipalities as assignees under authority of section 214 of the Public Health Service Act in the instance where in excess of 50 percent of salaries and benefits of the assignee is paid directly or indirectly by the State or municipality, and employees of the National Center for Health Statistics, who are assisting other Federal organizations on data collection and analysis and whose salaries are fully reimbursed by the organizations requesting the services, shall be treated as non-Federal employees for reporting purposes only. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the Public Health Service Act with respect to cancer, $2,007,483,000. NATIONAL HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD INSTITUTE For carrying out sections 301 and 1105 and title IV of the Public Health Service Act with respect to cardiovascular, lung, and blood diseases, and blood and blood products, $1,228,455,000. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL RESEARCH For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the Public Health Service Act with respect to dental disease, $163,269,000. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DIABETES AND DIGESTIVE AND KIDNEY DISEASES For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the Public Health Service Act with respect to diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases, $688,633,000.