106 STAT. 1804 PUBLIC LAW 102-394—OCT. 6, 1992 BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES For construction of, and acquisition of equipment for, facilities of or used by the National Institutes of Health, including the acquisition of real property, $109,608,000, to remain available until expended. SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE, AND MENTAL HEALTH For carrying out the Public Health Service Act with respect to substance abuse and mental health services, section 612 of Public Law 100-77, as amended, and the Protection and Advocacy for Mentally 111 Individuals Act of 1986, $2,023,524,000, of which $960,000 for renovation of government owned or leased intramural research facilities shall remain available until expended: Provided, That no portion of amounts appropriated for the programs of the Department of Health and Human Services shall be available for obligation pursuant to section 571 of the Public Health Service Act, other than an amount of $3,000,000 from amounts appropriated to carry out section 510 of that Act. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HEALTH OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HEALTH For the expenses necessary for the Office of Assistant Secretary for Health and for carrying out titles III, XVII, XX, and XXI of the Public Health Service Act, $57,444,000, and, in addition, amounts received by the Public Health Service from Freedom of Information Act fees, reimbursable and interagency agreements and the sale of data tapes shall be credited to this appropriation and shall remain available until expended. RETIREMENT PAY AND MEDICAL BENEFITS FOR COMMISSIONED OFFICERS For retirement pay and medical benefits of Public Health Service Commissioned Officers as authorized by law, and for payments under the Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan and Survivor Benefit Plan and for medical care of dependents and retired tersonnel under the Dependents' Medical Care Act (10 U.S.C. ch. 5), and for payments pursuant to section 229(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 429(b)), such amounts as may be required during the currentfiscalyear. AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE POLICY RESEARCH HEALTH CARE POLICY RESEARCH For carrying out titles III and IX of the Public Health Service Act, and part A of title XI of the Social Security Act, $110,578,000 together with not to exceed $4,831,000 to be transferred from the Federal Hospital Insurance and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds, as authorized by section 1142 of uie Social Security Act and not to exceed $1,002,000 to be transferred frt>m the Federal Hospital Insurance and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds, as authorized by sedion 201(g)