note. PUBLIC LAW 102-394—OCT. 6, 1992 106 STAT. 1807 Act, for unanticipated costs incurred for the current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary. For carrying out title XVI of the Social Security Act for the first quarter of fiscal year 1994, $7,150,000,000, to remain available until expended. LIMITATION ON ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES For necessary expenses, not more than $4,899,142,000 may be expended, as authorized by section 201(g)(l) of the Social Security Act, from any one or all of the trust funds referred to therein: Provided, That for fiscal year 1993 and thereafter, travel expense ^2 USC 1383 payments under section 1631(h) of such Act for travel to hearings may be made only when travel of more than seventy-five miles is required: Provided further. That $200,000,000 of the foregoing amount shall be apportioned for use only to the extent necessary to process workloads not anticipated in the budget estimates, for automation projects and their impact on the work force, and to meet mandatory increases in costs of agencies or organizations with which agreements have been made to participate in the administration of titles XVI and XVIII and section 221 of the Social Security Act, and after maximimi absorption of such costs within the remainder of the existing limitation nas been achieved. ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES FAMILY SUPPORT PAYMENTS TO STATES For making payments to States or other non-Federal entities, except as otherwise provided, under titles I, IV-A (other than section 402(g)(6)) and D, X, XI, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act, and the Act of July 5, 1960 (24 U.S.C. ch. 9), $11,695,072,000, to remain available until expended. For making, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, payments to States or other non-Federal entities under titles I, IV-A and D, X, XI, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act, for the last three months of the current year for imanticipated costs, incurred for the current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary. For making payments to States or other non-Federal entities under titles I, IV-A (other than section 402(g)(6)) and D, X, XI, XTV, and XVI of the Social Security Act and the Act of July 5, 1960 (24 U.S.C. ch. 9) for the first quarter of fiscal year 1994, $4,000,000,000 to remain available until expended. PAYMENTS TO STATES FOR AFDC WORK PROGRAMS For carrying out aid to families with dependent children work programs, as authorized by part F of title IV of the Social Security Act, $1,000,000,000. LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE For making payments under title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, $1,356,905,000, of which $687,720,000 shall become available for making payments on September 30, 1993. For making payments under title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget ReconciHation Act of 1981, $1,449,000,000, to be available for obliga-