Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/220

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106 STAT. 2014 PUBLIC LAW 102-408—OCT. 13, 1992 Earagraph (1)(C) or prior to the completion of such orrower's participation in such training. "(d) CANCELLATION OF LIABILITY. —The liability to repay the unpaid balance of such a loan and accrued interest thereon shall be canceled upon the death of the borrower, or if the Secretary determines that he has become permanently, and totally disablea. "(e) RATE OF INTEREST. — Such loans shall bear interest, on the unpaid balance of the loan, computed only for periods for which the loan is repayable, at the rate of 5 percent per year. "(f) SECURITY OR ENDORSEMENT. —Loans shall be made under this subpart without security or endorsement, except that if the borrower is a minor and the note or other evidence of obligation executed by him would not, under the applicable law, create a binding obligation, either security or endorsement may be required. "(g) TRANSFERRING AND ASSIGNING LOANS. —N O note or other evidence of a loan made under this subpart may be transferred or assigned by the school making the loan except that, if the borrowers transfer to another school participating in the program under this subpart, such note or other evidence of a loan may be transferred to such other school. "(h) CHARGE WITH RESPECT TO INSURANCE FOR CERTAIN CAN- CELLATIONS.— Subject to regulations of the Secretary, a school may assess a charge with respect to loans made this subpart to cover the costs of insuring against cancellation of liability under subsection (d). " (i) CHARGE WITH RESPECT TO LATE PAYMENTS.— Subject to regulations of the Secretary, and in accordance with this section, a school shall assess a charge with respect to a loan made under this subpart for failure of the borrower to pay all or any part of an installment when it is due and, in the case of a borrower who is entitled to deferment of the loan under subsection (c), for any failure to file timely and satisfactory evidence of such entitlement. No such charge may be made if the payment of such installment or the filing of such evidence is made within 60 days after the date on which such installment or filing is due. The amount of any such charge may not exceed an amount equal to 6 percent of the amount of such installment. The school may elect to add the amount of any such charge to the principal amount of the loan as of the first day after the day on which such installment or evidence was due, or to make the amount of the charge payable to the school not later than the due date of the next installment after receipt by the borrower of notice of the assessment of the charge.


A school may provide, in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, that during the repayment period of a loan from a loan fund established pursuant to an agreement under this subpart payments of principal and interest by the borrower with respect to all the outstanding loans made to him from loan funds so established shall be at a rate equal to not less than $15 per month. "(k) AUTHORITY REGARDING REPAYMENTS BY SECRETARY. —Upon application by a person who received, and is under an obligation to repay, any loan made to such person as a health professions student to enable him to study medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, pharmacy, or podiatry, the Secretary may undertake to repay (without liability to the applicant) all or any part of such loan, and any interest or portion thereof