Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/737

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PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 106 STAT. 2531 retary of Defense, the Governor of a State, territory or commonwealth, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, as the case may be, to utilize— "(A) equipment of the Department of Defense and equipment of the National Guard; and (B) Department of Defense facilities and National Guard facilities identified pursuant to section 195K(a)(3). "(2) OTHER PROPERTY. — The Director may enter into contracts or agreements for the use of other equipment or facilities to the extent practicable to train and house members of the Civilian Community Corps and leaders of Corps units. 'nSEC. 195K. RESPONSmiLrnES OF OTHER DEPARTMENTS. 42 USC 12653k. "(a) SECRETARY OF DEFENSE.—

    • (1) LIAISON OFFICE. —

"(A) ESTABLISHMENT. —Upon the establishment of the Program, the Secretary of Defense shall establish an ofi&ce to provide for liaison between the Secretary and the Civilian Community Corps. "(B) DUTIES.— The office shall— "(i) in order to assist in the recruitment of personnel for appointment in the permanent cadre, make available to the Director information in the registry established by section 4462 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993; and " (ii) provide other assistance in the coordination of Department of Defense activities with the Corps. " (2) CORPS CADRE.— "(A) LIST OF RECOMMENDED PERSONNEL. — Upon the establishment of the Program, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the liaison office established under paragraph (1) shall develop a list of individuals to be recommended for appointment in the permanent cadre of Corps persomiel. Such personnel shall be selected from among members and former members of the Armed Forces referred to in section 195(3) who are commissioned officers, noncommissioned officers, former commissioned officers, or former noncommissioned officers. "(B) RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING GRADE AND PAY. — The Secretary of Defense shall recommend to the Director an appropriate rate of pay for each person recommended for the cadre pursuant to this paragraph. "(C) CONTRIBUTION FOR RETIRED MEMBER'S PAY.—If a listed individu£Q receiving retired or retainer pay is appointed to a position in the cadre and the rate of pay for that individual is established at the amount equal to the difference between the active duty pay and allowances which that individual would receive if ordered to active duty and the amount of the individual's retired or reteiner pay, the Secretary of Defense shall pay, by transfer to the Commission on National and Community Service from amounts available for pay of active duty members of the Armed Forces, the amount equal to 50 percent of that individual's rate ofpay for service in the cadre. "(3) FACILITIES. —Upon the establishment of the Program, the Secretary of Defense shall identify militery installations and other facilities of the Department of Defense and, in con- 59-194 O—93 24:QL3(Pt3)