Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/892

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106 STAT. 2686 PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 Subtitle D—Defense Manufacturing Technology, Dual-Use Assistance Extension, and Defense Supplier Base Enhancement and Support Programs SEC. 4231. NATIONAL DEFENSE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY PRO- GRAM. (a) REQUIREMENT FOR PROGRAM. —Subchapter IV of chapter 148 is amended by inserting after the table of sections the following: ^§2521. National Defense Manufacturing Technology Program "(a) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM.—The Secretary of Defense shall establish a National Defense Manufactiiring Technology Program. The Secretary shall use the program to— "(1) provide centralized guidance and direction (including goals, milestones, and priorities) to the military departments and the Defense Agencies on all matters relating to manufacturing technology; "(2) direct the development and implementation of Department of Defense plans, programs, projects, activities, and policies that promote the development and application of advanced technologies to manufacturing processes, tools, and equipment;

    • (3) improve the manufacturing quality, productivity, technology, and practices of businesses and workers providing goods

and services to the Department of Defense; (4) promote dual-use manufacturing processes; '*(5) disseminate information concerning improved manufacturing improvement concepts, including information on such matters as best manufacturing practices, product data exchange specifications, computer-aided acquisition and logistics support, and rapid acquisition of manufactiued parts; "(6) sustain and enhance the skills and capabilities of the manufacturing work force;

    • (7) promote high-performance work systems (with development and dissemination of production technologies that build

upon the skills and capabilities of the work force), high levels of worker education and training; and "(8) ensure appropriate coordination between the manufacturing technology programs and industrial preparedness programs of the Department of Defense and similar programs undertaken by other departments and agencies of the Federal Government or by the private sector. " (b) RELATIONSHIP TO NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL BASE PLAN. —The Secretary shall ensure that the program is developed and implemented in accordance with the manufacturing technology guidance set forth in the national technology and industrial base plan prepared under section 2506 of this title. "(c) IteviSlONS. —The Secretary shall revise the program not later than March 15 of each year through fiscal year 1997 and of each odd-niunbered year thereafier. Each revision shall identify each manufacturing technology program, project, or activity of the Department of Defense and the amounte provided for each such program, project, and activity in the budget submitted by the President under section 1105 of title 31 for the fiscal year beginning in that year.".