106 STAT. 3412 PUBLIC LAW 102-522—OCT. 26, 1992 merce is subject to a standard that includes a requirement or prohibition that prevents compliance with a provision of National Fire Protection Association Standard 13 or 13-R. In such a case, the place of public accommodation affecting commerce is exempt only from that specific provision.". (b) DEFiNrnoNS.—Section 29 of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. 2225), is amended by adding at the end of subsection (d), as redesignated by this section, the following newparagraph: "(3) llie term 'governmental authority having jurisdiction' means the Federal, State, local, or other governmental entity with statutory or regulatory authority for the approval of fire safety systems, equipment, installations, or procedures within a specified locality.". SEC. 106. FIRE SAFETY SYSTEMS IN FEDERALLY ASSISTED BUILD- INGS. (a) AMENDMENT.—The Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.), is amended by adding at the end the following new section: 15 USC 2227. «SEC. 31. FIRE SAFETY SYSTEMS IN FEDERALLY ASSISTED BUILDING& "(a) DEFlNmoNS.—For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply* "(1) The term 'affordable cost' means the cost to a Federal agency of leasing office space in a building that is protected by an automatic sprinkler system or equivalent level of safety, which cost is no more than 10 percent greater than the cost of leasing available comparable office space in a building that is not so protected. "(2) The term 'automatic sprinkler system' means an electronically supervised, integrated system of piping to which sprinklers are attached in a systematic pattern, and which, when activated by heat from a fire— "(A) will protect human Uves by discharging water over the fire area, in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Standard 13,13D, or 13R, whichever is appropriate for the type of building and occupancy being protected, or any successor standard tnereto; and "(B) includes an alarm signaling system with appropriate warning signals (to the extent such alarm systems and warning signals are required by Federal, State, or local laws or regulations) installed in accordance with the National Fire IVotection Association Standard 72, or any successor standard thereto. "(3) The term 'equivalent level of safety* means an alternative design or system (which may include automatic sprinkler systems), based upon fire protection engineering analysis, which achieves a level of safety equal to or greater than that provided by automatic sprinkler svstems. "(4) The term Tederal employee office building' means any office building in the United States, whether owned or leased by the Federal Crovernment, that is regularly occupied by more than 25 full-time Federal employees in the course of their employment. "(5) The term 'housing assistance'— "(A) means assistance provided by the Federal Government to be used in connection with the provision of housing.