PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 4673 SEC. 1808. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this title. SEC. 1809. REPLACEMENT POWER. The Secretary of Energy in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior and with representatives of the Colorado River Storage Project power customers, environmental organizations and the States of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming shall identify economically and technically feasible methods of replacing any power generation that is lost through adoption of long-term operational criteria for Glen Canyon Dam as required by section 1804 of this title. The Secretary shall present a report of the findings, and implementing draft legislation, if necessary, not later than two years after adoption of long-term operating criteria. The Secretary shall include an investigation of the feasibility of adjusting operations at Hoover Dam to replace all or part of such lost generation. The Secretary shall include an investigation of the modifications or additions to the transmission system that may be required to acquire and deliver replacement power. Reports. TITLE XIX—MID-DAKOTA RURAL WATER SYSTEM SEC. 1901. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the '^id-Dakota Rural Water System Act of 1992". SEC. 1902. DEFlNTnONS. For purposes of this title— (1) the term "feasibility study means the study entitled ' ' Mid-Dakota Rural Water System Feasibility Study and Report" dated November 1988 and revised January 1989 and March 1989, as supplemented by the "Supplemental Report for Mid- Dakota Rural Water System" dated March 1990 (which supplemental report shall control in the case of any inconsistency between it and the study and report), as modified to reflect consideration of the benefits of the water conservation programs developed and implemented under section 1905 of this title; (2) the term "pumping and incidental operational requirements" means all power requirements incident to the operation of intake facilities, pumping stations, water treatment facilities, reservoirs, and pipelines up to the point of delivery of water by the Mid-Dakota Rural Water System to^ (A) each entity that distributes water at retail to individual users; or (B) each rural use location; (3) the term "rural use location" includes a water use location— (A) that is located in or in the vicinity of a municipality identified in appendix A of the feasibility report, for which municipality and vicinity there was on December 31, 1988, no >entity engaged in the business of distributing water at retail to users in that municipality or vicinity; and (B) that is one of no more than 40 water use locations in that municipality and vicinity; Mid-Dakota Rural Water System Act of 1992. South Dakota.