PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 4723 agreements are in effect. In implementing this paragraph, the Secretary shall endeavor to diversify sources of supply in order to minimize possible adverse effects upon Central Valley Project contractors. (2) Not later than ten years after enactment of this title, the quantity and delivery schedules of water measured at the boundaries of each wetland habitat area described in this paragraph shall be in accordance with level 4 of the "Dependable Water Supply Needs" table for those habitat areas as set forth in the Refuge Water Supply Report and the full water supply needed for full habitat development for those habitat areas identified in the San Joaquin Basin Action Plan/Kesterson Mitigation Action Plan Report prepared by the Bureau of Reclamation. The quantities of water required to supplement the quantities provided under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be acquired by the Secretary in cooperation with the State of California and in consultation with the Central Valley Habitat Joint Ventiire and other interests in cumulating increments of not less than ten percent per annum through voluntary measures which include water conservation, conjimctive use, purchase, lease, donations, or similar activities, or a combination of such activities which do not require involuntary reallocations of project jdeld. (3) All costs associated with implementation of paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be reimbursable pursuant to existing law. Incremental costs associated with implementation of paragraph (2) of this subsection shall be fully allocated in accordance with the following formula: 75 percent shall be deemed a nonreimbursable Federal expenditure; and 25 percent shall be allocated to the State of California for recovery through direct reimbursements or through equivalent in-kind contributions. (4) The Secretary may temporarily reduce deliveries of the quantity of water dedicated under paragraph (1) of this subsection up to 25 percent of such total whenever reductions due to hydrologic circumstances are imposed upon agricultural deliveries of Central Valley Project water; Provided, That such reductions shall not exceed in percentage terms the reductions imposed on agricultural service contractors. For the purpose of shortage allocation, the priority or priorities applicable to the increment of water provided under paragraph (2) of this subsection shall be the priority or priorities which applied to the water in question prior to its transfer to the purpose of providing such increment. (5) The Secretary is authorized and directed to construct or to acquire from non-Federal entities such water conveyance facilities, conveyance capacity, and wells as are necessary to implement the requirements of this subsection; Provided, That such authorization shall not extend to conveyance facilities in or around the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delto Estuary. Associated construction or acquisition costs shall be reimbursable pursuant to existing law in accordance with the cost allocations set forth in paragraph (3) of this subsection. (6) The Secretary, in consultetion with the Stote of Califor- Reports. nia, the Central Valley Habitot Joint Venture, and other interests, shall investigate and report on the foUoMdng supplementol actions by not later than September 30, 1997: