PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 4725 retary shall provide such report to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs and Merchant Marine and Fisheries of the House of Representatives not later than two years after the date of enactment of this title. (g) ECOSYSTEM AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS MODELS.— The Secretary, in cooperation with the State of California and other relevant interests and experts, shall develop readily usable and broadly available models and supporting data to evaluate the ecologic and hydrologic effects of existing and alternative operations of public and private water facilities and systems in the Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Trinity River watersheds. The primary purpose of this effort shall be to support the Secretary's efforts in fulfilling the requirements of this title through improved scientific understanding concerning, but not limited to, the following: (1) a comprehensive water budget of surface and groimdwater supplies, considering all sources of inflow and outflow available over extended periods; (2) related water quality conditions and improvement alternatives, including improved temperature prediction capabilities as they relate to storage and flows; (3) surface-ground and stream-wetland interactions; (4) measures needed to restore anadromous fisheries to optimum and sustainable levels in accordance with the restored carrying capacities of Central Valley rivers, streams, and riparian habitats; (5) development and use of base flows and channel maintenance flows to protect and restore natural channel and riparian habitat values; (6) implementation of operational regimes at State and Federal facilities to increase springtime flow releases, retain additional floodwaters, and assist in restoring both upriver and downriver riparian habitats; (7) measures designed to reach sustainable harvest levels of resident and anadromous fish, including development and use of systems of tradeable harvest rights; (8) opportunities to protect and restore wetland and upland habitats throughout the Central Valley; and (9) measures to enhance the firm yield of existing Central Valley Project facilities, including improved management and operations, coi\junctive use opportunities, development of offstream storage, levee setbacks, and riparian restoration. All studies and investigations shall take into account and be fully consistent with the fish, wildlife, and habitat protection and restoration measures required by this title or by any other State or Federal law. Seventy-five percent of the costs associated with implementation of this subsection shall be borne by the United States as a nonreimbursable cost; the remaining 25 percent shall be borne by the State of California. (h) The Secretary shall enter into a binding cost-share agreement with the State of California with respect to the timely reimbursement of costs allocated to the State in this title. Such agreement shall provide for consideration of the value of direct reimbursements, specific contributions to the Restoration Fund, and water, conveyance capacity, or other contributions in-kind that would supplement existing programs and that would, as determined Contracts. Intergovernme ntal relations.