106 STAT. 4776 PUBLIC LAW 102-578—OCT. 30, 1992 Reports. (b) DECISION BY SECRETARY.— The Secretary, based on the Advisory Committee's findings, shall, not later than April 1, 1993, submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and House of Representatives a report setting forth the Secretary's decision as to whether such disease entity should be presumed ^ to be service connected if suffered by a radiation-exposea veteran (as defined by section 1112(c)(4)(A) of title 38, United States Code). Approved October 30, 1992. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 775: SENATE REPORTS: No. 102-139 (Comm. on Veterans' Affairs). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 137 (1991): Nov. 20, considered and passed Senate. Vol. 138 (1992): Sept. 30, considered and passed House, amended: Oct. 7, Senate concurred in House amendments.