PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 4601 TITLE IV—UTAH RECLAMATION MITIGATION AND CONSERVATION ACCOUNT Sec. 401. Findings and purpose. Sec. 402. Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Account. TITLE V—UTE INDIAN RIGHTS SETTLEMENT Sec. 501. Findings. Sec. 502. Provisions for payment to the Ute Indian Tribe. Sec. 503. Tribal use of water. Sec. 504. Tribal farming operations. Sec. 505. Reservoirs, stream, habitat, and road improvements with respect to the Ute Indian Reservation. Sec. 506. Tribal development funds. Sec. 507. Waiver of claims. TITLE VI—ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT AND NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICYACT TITLE Vn—LEADVILLE MINE DRAINAGE TUNNEL, COLORADO Sec. 701. Authorization. Sec. 702. Costs nonreimbursable. Sec. 703. Operation and maintenance. Sec. 704. Appropriations authorized. Sec. 705. Limitation. Sec. 706. Design and operation notification. Sec. 707. Fish and wilalife restoration. Sec. 708. Water quality restoration. TITLE VIII—LAKE MEREDITH SALINITY CONTROL PROJECT, TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO Sec. 801. Authorization to construct and test. Sec. 802. Construction contract with the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority. Sec. 803. Project costs. Sec. 804. Construction and control. Sec. 805. Transfer of title. Sec. 806. Authorization. TITLE—CEDAR BLUFF UNIT, KANSAS Sec. 901. Authorization. Sec. 902. Contract. Sec. 903. Contract. Sec. 904. Transfer of district headquarters. Sec. 905. Liability and indemnification. Sec. 906. Additional actions. TITLE X—SOUTH DAKOTA WATER PLANNING STUDIES Sec. 1001. Authorization for South Dakota water planning studies. TITLE XI—SALTON SEA RESEARCH PROJECT, CALIFORNIA Sec. 1101. Research project. TITLE XII—AMENDMENT TO SABINE RIVER COMPACT Sec. 1201. Consent to amendment to Sabine River compact. Sec. 1202. Compact described. Sec. 1203. Amendment. TITLE XIII—SALT-GILA AQUEDUCT, ARIZONA Sec. 1301. Designation. Sec. 1302. References. TITLE XIV—VERMEJO PROJECT REUEF, NEW MEXICO TITLE XV—SAN LUIS VALLEY PROTECTION, COLORADO Sec. 1501. Permit issuance prohibited. Sec. 1502. Judicial review. Sec. 1503. Costs. Sec. 1504. Disclaimers. TITLE XVI—RECLAMATION WASTEWATER AND GROUND WATER STUDIES