106 STAT. 4988 PUBLIC LAW 102-586—NOV. 4, 1992 (I) in the second sentence by striking "programs, and the State" and inserting "programs and challenge activities subsequent to State participation in part E. The State"; (II) in paragraph (1) by striking "section 291(c)(l) and inserting "section 299(c)(ir; (III) by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: "(3) provide for an advisory group, which— "(A) shall consist of not less than 15 and not more than 33 members appointed by the chief executive officer of the State— "(i) which members have training, experience, or special knowledge concerning the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency or the administration ofjuvenile justice; "(ii) which members include— "(I) at least 1 locally elected official representing general purpose local government; "(II) representatives of law enforcement and juvenile justice agencies, including juvenile and family court judges, prosecutors, counsel for children and youUi, and probation workers; "(III) representatives of public agencies concerned with delinquency prevention or treatment, such as welfare, social services, ment£d health, education, special education, recreation, and youth services; "(IV) representatives of private nonprofit organizations, including persons with a special focus on preserving and strengthening families, parent groups and parent self-help groups, youth development, delinquency prevention and treatment, neglected or dependent children, the quality of juvenile justice, education, and social services for children; "(V) volunteers who work with delinquents or potential delinquents; '^CVI) youth workers involved with programs that are alternatives to incarceration, including programs providing organized recreation activities; "(VII) persons with special experience and competence in addressing problems related to school violence and vandalism and alternatives to suspension and expulsion; and "(VIII) persons with special experience and competence in addressing problems related to learning disabilities, emotional difficulties, child V abuse and neglect, and youth violence; "(iii) a maiority of which members (including the chairperson) shall not be full-time employees of the Federal, State, or local government; "(iv) at least one-fifth of which members shall be under the age of 24 at the time of appointment; and "(v) at least 3 members who have been or are currently under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice S3rstem;