PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 4629 (2) FINAL PLAN.— Within six months prior to the expiration of the Commission pursuant to this Act, the Commission shall develop and adopt a plan which shall— (A) establish goals and measurable objectives for the mitigation and conservation of fish, wildlife, and recreation resources during the five-year period following such expiration; and (B) recommend specific measures for the expenditure of funds from the Account established under section 402 of this Act. (3) PuBuc INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY CONSULTATION. —(A) Promptly after the Commission is established under this section, and in each succeeding fiscal year, the Commission shall request in writing from the Federal and State fish, wildlife, recreation, and water management agencies, the appropriate Indian tribes, and county and municipal entities, and the public, recommendations for objectives and measures to implement the mitigation and conservation projects and features authorized in this Act or amendments thereto. The Commission shall establish by rule a period Regulations of time not less than ninety days in length within which to receive such recommendations, as well as the format for and the information and supporting data that is to accompany such recommendations. (B) The Commission shall give notice of all recommendations and shall make the recommendations and supporting docimients available to the Federal and State fish, wildlife, recreation, and water management agencies, the appropriate Indian tribes, and the public. Copies of such recommendations and supporting documents shall be made available for review at the offices of the Commission and shall be available for reproduction at reasonable cost. (C) The Commission shall provide for public involvement regarding the recommendations and supporting dociunents within such reasonable time as the Commission by rule deems appropriate. (4) The Commission shall develop and amend the plans on the basis of such recommendations, supporting documents, and views and information obtained through public involvement and agency consultation. The Commission shall include in the plans measures which it determines, on the basis set forth in paragraph (f)(l), will- (A) restore, maintain, or enhance the biological productivity and diversity of natural ecosystems within the State and have substantial potential for providing fish, wildlife, and recreation mitigation and conservation opportunities; (B) be based on, and supported by, the best available scientific knowledge; (C) utilize, where equally effective alternative means of achieving the same sound biological or recreational objectives exist, the alternative that will also provide public benefits through multiple resource uses; (D) complement the existing and future activities of the Federal and State fish, wildlife, stnd recreation agencies and appropriate Indian tribes; (E) utilize, when available, cooperative agreements and partnerships with private landowners and nonprofit conservation organizations; and Public information.