Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/366

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107 STAT. 340 PUBLIC LAW 103-66 —AUG. 10, 1993 12 USC 1709 SEC. 3005. MUTUAL MORTGAGE INSURANCE FUND PREMIUMa "^^' To improve the actuarial soundness of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund under the National Housing Act, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall mcrease the rate at which the Secretary earns the single premium payment collected at the time of insurance of a mortgage that is an obligation of such Fund (with respect to the rate in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act). In establishing such increased rate, the Secretary shall consider any current audit findings and reserve analyses and information regarding the expected average duration of mortgages that are obligations of such Fund and may consider any other information that the Secretary determines to be appropriate. TITLE IV—STUDENT LOAN AND ERISA PROVISIONS SEC. 4001. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The table of contents for this title is as follows: TITLE IV—STUDENT LOAN AND ERISA PROVISIONS Sec. 4001. Table of contents. Subtitle A—Direct Student Loan Provisions Sec. 4011. Short title; references. CHAPTER 1—FEDERAL DIRECT STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM Sec. 4021. Federal direct student loan program. CHAPTER 2—CONFORMING AMENDMENTS TO THE HIGHER EDUCATION ACT OF 1965 Sec. 4041. Preserving loan access. Sec. 4042. Guaranty agency reserves. Sec. 4043. Terms of loans. Sec. 4044. Assignment of loans. Sec. 4045. Termination of guaranty agency agreements; assumption of guaranty agen(7 functions by the Secretary. Sec. 4046. Consolidation loans. Sec. 4047. Consolidation of programs. Subtitle B—Additional Savings from the Student Loan Programs Sec. 4101. Reduction of borrower interest rates. Sec. 4102. Redtiction in loan fees paid by students. Sec. 4103. Loan fees from lenders. Sec. 4104. Offset fee. Sec. 4105. Elimination of tax exempt floor. Sec. 4106. Reduction in interest rate for consolidation loans; rebate fee. Sec. 4107. Reinsurance fees and administrative cost allowance. Sec. 4108. Risk sharing. Sec. 4109. Fhjs loan disbursements. Sec. 4110. Secretary's equitable share. Sec. 4111. Reduction in the special allowance payment. Sec. 4112. Supplemental proclaims assistance. Subtitle C—Cost Sharing by States Sec. 4201. Cost sharing by States. Subtitle D—Group Health Plans Sec. 4301. Standards for group health plan coverage.