Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/174

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107 STAT. 1126 PUBLIC LAW 103-116—OCT. 27, 1993 draft and ^distribute to each Member eligible to vote under the tribal constitution in effect on the effective date of this Act, a proposed constitution and bylaws for the Tribe together with a brief, impartial description of the proposed constitution and bylaws and a notice of the date, time and location of the election under this subsection. Not sooner than 30 days or later than 90 days after the distribution of the proposed constitution, the Executive Committee shall conduct a secret-ballot election to adopt a new constitution and bylaws. (c) MAJORITY VOTE FOR ADOPTION; PROCEDURE IN EVENT OP FAILURE To ADOPT PROPOSED CONSTITUTION. —(1) The tribal constitution and bylaws shall be ratified and adopted if— (A) not less than 30 percent of those entitled to vote do vote; and (B) approved by a mtgority of those actually voting. (2) If in any such election such majority does not approve the adoption of the proposed constitution and bylaws, the Executive Committee shall prepare another proposed constitution and bylaws and present it to the Tribe in the same manner provided in this section for the first constitution and bylaws. Such new proposed constitution and bylaws shall be distributed to the eligible voters of the Tribe no later than 180 days after the date of the election in which the first proposed constitution and bylaws failed of adoption. An election on the question of the adoption of the new proposal of the Executive Committee shall be conducted in the same manner provided in subsection (b) for the election on the first proposed constitution and bylaWs. (d) ELECTION OF TRIBAL OFFICERS.—Within 120 days after the Tribe ratifies and adopts a constitution and bylaws, the Executive Committee shall conduct an election by secret ballot for the purpose of electing tribal officials as provided in the constitution and Wlaws. Subsequent elections shall be held in accordance with the Tribe's constitution and bylaws. (e) EXTENSION OF TIME.— Any time periods prescribed in subsections (b) and (c) may be altered by written agreement between the Executive Committee and the Secretary. 25 USE 941H. SEC. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS RELATING TO JURISDICTION, TAXATION, AND OTHER MATTERS. In the administration of this Act: (1) All matters involving tribal powers, immunities, and jurisdiction, whether criminal, civil, or regulatory, shall be governed by the terms and provisions of the Settlement Agreement and the State Act, unless otherwise provided in this Act. (2) All matters pertaining to governance and regulation of the reservation (including environmental regulation and riparian rights) shall be governed by the terms and provisions 01 the Settlement Agreement and the State Act, including, but not limited to, section 17 of the Settlement Agreement and section 27-16-120 of the State Act, unless otherwise provided in this Act. (3) The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 1901 et seq.) shall apply to Catawba Indian children except as provided in the Settlement Agreement. (4) Whether or not the Tribe, under section 9(a), elects to organize under the Act of June 18, 1934, the Tribe, in any constitution adopted by the Tribe, may be authorized to