Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 3.djvu/10

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X LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW -'° DATE ' PAGE 103-70 To authorize the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Aug. 11, 1993 714 Administration to conduct appropriate programs and activities to acknowledge the status of the county of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, as the "World Capital of Aerobatics", and for other purposes. 103-71 To designate September 13, 1993, as "Commodore John Aug. 11, 1993 715 Barry Day^. 103-72 Fluid Milk Promotion Amendments Act of 1993 Aug. 11, 1993 717 103-73 Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1993 Aug. 11, 1993 718 103-74 Designating September 9, 1993, and April 21, 1994, each Aug. 11, 1993 737 as "National D.A.R.E. Day". 103-75 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Relief From Aug. 12, 1993 739 the Major, Widespread Flooding in the Midwest Act of 1993. 103-76 Depository Institutions Disaster Relief Act of 1993 Aug. 12, 1993 752 103-77 Colorado Wilderness Act of 1993 Aug. 13, 1993 756 103-78 To amend title 38, United States Code, to codify the rates Aug. 13, 1993 767 of disability compensation for veterans with service-con- ,^^, nected disabilities and the rates of dependency and in- . ,.. demnity compensation for survivors of such veterans as such rates took effect on December 1, 1992. 103-79 To authorize msgor medical facility construction projects Aug. 13, 1993 770 for the Department of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 1994, and tor other purposes. ' 103-80 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act Amendments of Aug. 13, 1993 773 1993. 103-81 Small Business Guaranteed Credit Enhancement Act of Aug. 13, 1993 780 1993. 103-82 National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 Sept. 21, 1993.... 785 103-83 To designate the weeks of September 19, 1993, through Sept. 21, 1993.... 924 September 25, 1993, and of September 19, 1994, through September 24, 1994, as "National Rehabilitation Week". 103-84 To designate October 1993 as "National Breast Cancer Sept. 21, 1993.... 926 Awareness Month". 103-85 Designating September 10, 1993, as "National POW/MIA Sept. 21, 1993.... 928 Recognition Day" and authorizing the display of the National League of Families POW/MIA flag. 103-86 To extend the current interim exemption under the Ma- Sept. 30, 1993.... 930 rine Mammal Protection Act for commercial fisheries until April 1, 1994. 103-87 Making appropriations for foreign operations, export fi- Sept. 30, 1993.... 931 nancing, ana related programs for the fiscal year ending , tip; September 30, 1994, and making supplemental appro- ^' priations for such programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. 103-88 Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1994, Sept. 30, 1993.... 977 and tor other purposes. 103-89 Performance Management and Recognition System Termi- Sept. 30, 1993.... 981 nation Act. 103-90 To designate the Federal building to be constructed be- Oct. 1, 1993 986 tween Gay and Market Streets and Cimiberland and Church Avenues in Knoxville, Tennessee, as the "Howard H. Baker, Jr. United States Courtiiouse". 103-91 Gallatin Range Consolidation and Protection Act of 1993 Oct. 1, 1993 987 103-92 To designate the month of August as "National Oct. 1, 1993 994 Scleroderma Awareness Month", and for other purposes. 103-93 Utah Schools and Lands Improvement Act of 1993 Oct. 1, 1993 995 103-94 Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993 Oct. 6, 1993 1001