Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 3.djvu/140

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107 STAT. 2078 PUBLIC LAW 103-182—DEC. 8, 1993 (E) a nonoriginating material provided for in chapter 15 of the HTS tnat is used in the production of a good provided for in headings 1501 through 1508, or heading 1512, 1514, or 1515; (F) a nonoriginating material provided for in heading 1701 that is used in the production of a good provided for in headings 1701 through 1703: (G) a nonoriginating material provided for in chapter 17 of the HTS or heading 1805 tiiat is iised in the production of a good provided for in subheading 1806.10; (H) a nonoriginating material provided for in headings 2203 through 2208 that is used in the production of a good provided for in headings 2207 through 2208; (1) a nonoriginating material used in the production of— (i) a good provided for in subheading 7321.11.30; (ii) a good provided for in subheading 8415.10, subheadings 8415.81 through 8415.83, subheadings 8418.10 through 8418.21, subheadings 8418.29 through 8418.40, subheading 8421.12 or 8422.11, subheadings 8450.11 through 8450.20, or subheadings 8451.21 throii^h 8451.29; (iii) trash compactors provided for in subheading 8479.89.60; or (iv) a good provided for in subheading 8516.60.40; and (J) a printed circuit assembly that is a nonoriginating material used in the production of a good where the applicable change in tariff classification for the good, as set out in Annex 401 of the Agreement, places restrictions on the use of such nonoriginating material. (4) CERTAIN FRUIT JUICES. — Paragraph (1) does not apply to a nonoriginating single juice ingredient provided for in heading 2009 that is u»ed in the production of— (A) a good provided for in subheading 2009.90, or concentrated mixtures of fruit or vegetable juice, fortified with minerals or vitamins, provided for in subheading 2106.90.19; or (B) mixtures of fndt or vegetable juices, fortified with minerals or vitamins, provided for in subheading 2202.90.39. (5) GOODS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTERS i THROUGH 27 OF THE HTS. —Paragraph (1) does not apply to a nonoriginating material used in the production of a good provideof for in chapters 1 through 27 of the HTS unless the nonoriginating material is provided for in a different subheading than the good for which origin is being determined under mis section. (6) GOODS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTERS 50 THROUGH es OF THE HTS. —^A good provided for in chapters 50 through 63 of the HTS, that does not originate because certain fibers or yams used in the production of the component of the good that determines the tariff classification of the good do not undergo an applicable change in tariff classification set out in Aimex 401 of the Agreement, shall be considered to be a good that originates if the total weight of all such fibers or yams in that component is not more than 7 percent of the total weight of that component.