Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 3.djvu/97

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PUBLIC LAW 103-178—DEC. 3, 1993 107 STAT. 2035 submits the budget for the next fiscal year pursuant to section 1105 of title 31, United States Code.". (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT. — The table of contents in the first section of such Act is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 108 the foUovdng new item: "Sec. 109. Annual report on intelligence community activities.". SEC. 306. SECURITY REVIEWS. (a) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds that— (1) the President directed the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office to review Executive Order 12356 and other directives relating to the protection of national security information and to report no later than November 30, 1993; and (2) the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence have established a joint security commission to conduct a review of security practices and procedures at the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency and to report within 1 year of the establishment of the commission. (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS. —I t is the sense of Congress that^ (1) the Director of Central Intelligence, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office should conduct the reviews referred to in subsection (a) with maximum consultetion with each other; and (2) the results of these reviews should be incorporated into a consolidated recommendation for the President. SEC. 306. REPORT ON UNITED STATES EFFORTS TO COUNTER TERRORISM.. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Director of Central Intelligence shall jointly submit to the Congress, not later than May 1, 1994, a report on United Stotes Government programs to counter terrorism. (b) MATTERS TO BE COVERED IN REPORT. —The report required by subsection (a) shall, at a minimum— (1) identify Federal Government activities, programs and assets which are 1:)eing utilized or could be utilized to counter terrorism; (2) assess the processing, analysis, and distribution of intelligence or terrorism and make recommendations for improvement; (3) make recommendations on appropriate national policies, both preventive and reactive, to counter terrorism; (4) assess the coordination among law enforcement, intelligence, and defense agencies involved in counterterrorism activities and make recommendations concerning how coordina- , tion can be improved; and (5) assess whether there should be more centralized operational control over Federal Government activities, programs, and assete utilized to counter terrorism, and, if so, make recommendations concerning how such control should be achieved. SEC. 307. REPORT ON INTELLIGENCE GAPS. (a) REPORT.—The Director of Central Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense jointly shall prepare and submit by February 15, 1994, to the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee 69-194O-94-4:QL.3Part3