Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/123

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PUBLIC LAW 103-218—MAR. 9, 1994 108 STAT. 97

    • (D) in the case of a request regarding a previously purchased facility, information demonstrating that the facility will

be used principally as a Head Start center, or a direct support facility for a Head Start program; and". SEC. 404. TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. (a) ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY DEVICE.—Section 7(23) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 706(23)), as added by section 102(n) of Public Law 102-569 (106 Stat. 4350), is amended— (1) by striking "3(1)" and inserting "3(2)"; and (2) by striking "2202(1)" and inserting "2202(2)". (b) ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICE. —Section 7(24) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 706(24)), as added by section 102(n) of Public Law 102-569 (106 Stat. 4350), is amended— (1) by striking "3(2)" and inserting "3(3)"; and (2) by striking "2202(2)" and inserting "2202(3)". TITLE V—EFFECTIVE DATE SEC. 501. EFFECTIVE DATE. 29 USC 2201 (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act, this Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take efiTect on the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) COMPLIANCE.— Each State receiving a grant under the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals With Disabilities Act of 1988 shall comply with the amendments made by this Act— (1) as soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of this Act, consistent with the effective and efficient administration of the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals With Disabilities Act of 1988; but (2) not later than— (A) the next date on which the State receives an award through a grant under section 102 or 103 of such Act; or (B) October 1, 1994, whichever is sooner. Approved March 9, 1994. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 2339 (S. 1283): HOUSE REPORTS: No. 103-208 (Comm. on Education and Labor). SENATE REPORTS: No. 103-119 accompanying S. 1283 (Comm. on Labor and Human Resources). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 139 (1993): Aug. 2, considered and passed House. Aug. 5, S. 1283 considered and passed Senate; H.R. 2339, amended, passed in lieu. Vol. 140 (1994): Feb. 8, House concurred in Senate amendment with an amendment. ^ Feb. 11, Senate concurred in House amendment.