Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/234

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108 STAT. 208 PUBLIC LAW 103-227—MAR. 31, 1994 (15) Evaluating projects and activities assisted under this title. (16) The cost of administering projects or activities assisted under this title. (17) Other projects or activities that meet the purpose of this title. (b) LIMITATIONS. — (1) IN GENERAL.—^A local educational agency may use not more than— (A) a total of 5 percent of grant funds received under this title in each fiscal year for activities described in paragraphs (11), (13), and (14) of subsection (a); and (B) 5 percent of grant funds received under this title in each fiscal year for activities described in paragraph (16) of subsection (a). (2) SPECIAL RULE.—^A local educational agency shall only be able to use grant funds received under this title for activities described in paragraphs (11), (13), and (14) of subsection (a) if funding for such activities is not available from other Federal sources. (3) PROHIBITION.— ^A local educational agency may not use grant funds received under this title for construction. 20 USC 5966. SEC. 706. NATIONAL ACTIVITIES. (a) NATIONAL ACTIVITIES.— (1) IN GENERAL. —To carry out the purpose of this title, the Secretary— (A) is authorized to use funds reserved under section 702(b)(2) to— (i) conduct national leadership activities such as research, program development and evaluation, data collection, public awareness activities, training and technical assistance, dissemination (through appropriate research entities assisted by the Department of Education) of information on successful projects, activities, and strategies developed pursuant to this title; (ii) provide grants to noncommercial telecommunications entities for the production and distribution of national video-based projects that provide young people with models for conflict resolution and responsible decisionmaking; and (iii) conduct peer review of applications under this title; and (B) shall develop a written safe schools model so that all schools can develop models that enable all students to participate regardless of any language barrier. (2) SPECIAL RULE. —The Secretary may carry out the activities described in paragraph (1) directly, through interagency agreements, or through grants, contracts or cooperative agreements. District of (b) NATIONAL MoDEL CiTY. —The Secretary shall designate the Columbia. District of Columbia as a national model city and shall provide funds made available pursuant to section 702(b)(2) in each fiscal year to a local educational agency serving the District of Columbia in an amount sufficient to enable such agency to carry out a comprehensive program to address school and youth violence.