Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/444

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108 STAT. 418 PUBLIC LAW 103-236—APR. 30, 1994 Publication. 22 USC 4010a note. Effective date. 10 USC 1058 note. 10 USC 1058 note. 22 USC 3926 note. (c) CONSULTATION.— The Secretary of State (or in the case of any other agency authorized by law to utilize the Foreign Service personnel system), the head of that agency shall consult with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management before prescribing regulations for reductions in force under section 611 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (as added by subsection (a) of this section), and shall publish such regulations. SEC. 182. RESTORATION OF WITHHELD BENEFITS. (a) ELIGIBILITY.— With respect to any person for which the Secretary of State and the Secretary concerned within the Department of Defense has approved the employment or the holding of a position pursuant to the provisions of section 1058, title 10, United States Code, before the date of enactment of this Act, the consents, approvals and determinations under that section shall be deemed to be effective as of January 1, 1993. (b) TECHNICAL CORRECTION.—Subsection (d) of section 1433 of Public Law 103-160 is repealed. Subpart 2—Foreign Language Competence Within the Foreign Service SEC 191. FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE WITHIN THE FOREIGN SERVICE. (a) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall promulgate regulations— (1) establishing hiring preferences for Foreign Service Officer candidates competent in languages, with priority preference given to those languages in which the Department of State has a deficit; (2) establishing a standard that employees will not receive long-term training in more than 3 languages, and requiring that employees achieve full professional proficiency (S4^4) in 1 language as a condition for training in a third, with exceptions for priority needs of the service at the discretion of the Director General; (3) requiring that employees receiving long-term training in a language, or hired with a hiring preference for a language, serve at least 2 tours in jobs requiring that language, with exceptions for certain limited-use languages and priority needs of the service at the discretion of the Director General; (4) requiring that significant consideration be given to foreign language competence and use in the evaluation, assignment, and promotion of all Foreign Service Officers of the Department of State; (5) requiring the identification of appropriate Washington, D.C. metropolitan area positions as language-designated; and (6) requiring remedial training and suspension of language difiierential pa3anents for employees receiving such payments who have failed to maintain required levels of proficiency. (b) REPEAL.— Section 164 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 (22 U.S.C. 4001 note; Public Law 101-246) is repealed.