Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/457

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PUBLIC LAW 103-236—APR. 30, 1994 108 STAT. 431 under the program established by this part and is not detailed under section 255. (b) REEMPLOYMENT.—Any fellow who is not a detailee, at the end of the fellowship, is entitled to be reemployed in the same manner as if covered by section 3582 of title 5, United States Code. (c) RIGHTS AND BENEFITS. —Notwithstanding section 8347(o), 8713, or 8914 of title 5, United States Code, and in accordance with regulations of the Office of Personnel Management, an employee, while serving as a fellow who is not a detailee, is entitled to the same rights and benefits as if covered by section 3582 of title 5, United States Code. The Center shall reimburse the employing agency for any costs incurred under section 3582 of title 5, United States Code. (d) COMPLIANCE WITH BUDGET ACT.—Funds are available under this section to the extent and in the amounts provided in appropriation Acts. SEC. 255. MANSFIELD FELLOWS ON DETAIL FROM GOVERNMENT 22 USC 6104. SERVICE. (a) IN GENERAL,—(1) An agency head may detail, for a period of not more than 2 years, an employee of the agency who has been awarded a Mansfield Fellowship, to the Center. (2) Each fellow who is detailed under this section shall enter into a written agreement with the Federal Government before receiving a fellowship that the fellow will— (A) continue in the service of the fellow's agency at the end of the fellowship for a period of at least 2 years unless the fellow is involuntarily separated from the service of such agency; and (B) pay to the United States Information Agency any additional expenses incurred by the Federal Government in connection with the fellowship if the fellow is voluntarily separated from service with the fellow's agency before the end of the period for which the fellow has agreed to continue in the service of such agency. (3) The payment agreed to under paragraph (2)(B) may not be required of a fellow who leaves the service of such agency to enter into the service of another agency in any branch of the United States Government unless the head of the agency that authorized the fellowship notifies the employee before the effective date of entry into the service of the other agency that payment will be required under this section. (b) STATUS AS GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE. — -A fellow detailed under subsection (a) is deemed, for the purpose of preserving allowances, privileges, rights, seniority, and other benefits, an employee of the agency from which detailed, and is entitled to pay, allowances, and benefits from funds available to that agency. The authorization and payment of such allowances and other benefits from appropriations available therefore is deemed to comply with section 5536 of title 5, United States Code. (c) REIMBURSEMENT. — Fellows may be detailed under subsection (a) without reimbursement to the United States by the Center. (d) ALLOWANCES AND BENEFITS. —A fellow detailed under subsection (a) may be paid by the Center for allowances and benefits Hsted in section 253(4)(B).