Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/481

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PUBLIC LAW 103-236—APR. 30, 1994 108 STAT. 455 during any period in which such membership is effective. SEC. 411. UNITED NATIONS SECURTIY COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP. (a) FINDINGS.—The Congress makes the following findings: (1) The effectiveness of the United Nations Security Council in maintaining international peace and security depends on its being representative of the membership of the United Nations. (2) The requirement of equitable geographic distribution in Article 23 of the United Nations Charter requires that the members of the Security Council of the United Nations be chosen by nondiscriminatory means. (3) The use of informal regional groups of the General Assembly as the sole means for election of the nonpermanent members of the Security Council is inherently discriminatory in the absence of guarantees that all member states will have the opportunity to join a regional group, and has resulted in discrimination agsdnst Israel. (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS. —I t is the sense of Congress that the President should direct the Secretary of State to request the Secretary General of the United Nations to seek immediate resolution of the problem described in this section. The President shall President. inform the Congress of any progress in resolving this situation, together with the submission to Congress of the request for funding for the "Contributions to International Organizations" account of the Department of State for the fiscal year 1995. SEC. 412. REFORMS IN THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. (a) SENSE OF THE CONGRESS.— It is the sense of the Congress that United States contributions to the World Health Organization (WHO) should be utilized in the most effective and efficient manner possible, particularly for the reduction of diseases and disabilities in developing countries. (b) POLICY.—The President shall direct the United States rep- President, resentatives to the World Health Assembly, the Executive Board, and the World Health Organization to monitor the activities of the World Health Organization to ensure that such organizations achieve— (1) the timely implementation of reforms and management improvemente, including those outlined in the resolutions of the 46th World Health Assembly related to the external Auditor (WHA 46.21), the Report of the Executive Board on the WHO Response to Global Change (WHA 46.16) and actions for Budgetary Reform (WHA 46.35); and (2) the effective and efiEicient utilization and monitoring of resources, including— (A) the determination of strategic and financial priorities; and (B) the establishment of realistic and measurable targete in accordance with the established health priorities. SEC. 413. REFORMS IN THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION. In light of the longstending efforte of the United States and the other major donor nations to reform the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the findings of the ongoing investigation of the General Accounting Office, the Congress makes the following declarations: 79-194 O—95 —16: QL 3 Part 1