Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/532

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108 STAT. 506 PUBLIC LAW 103-236—APR. 30, 1994 22 USC 2776. 22 USC 2797. Reports. President. Reports. 22 USC 2797b-l. such export, including the consistency of such export with United States missile nonprouferation poUpy.. (b) EXPORT OF MAJOR DEFENSE EQUIPMENT. —Section 36(c)(l) of the Arms Export Control Act is amended by inserting after 'Hn consultation with the Secretary of Defense." uie following new sentence: In a case in which such articles or services are listed on the Missile TechnologQr Control Regime Annex and are intended to support the design, aevelopment, or production of a Category I space launch vehicle system (as defined in section 74), such report shall include a description of the proposed export and rationale for approving such export, including the consistency of such export with United States missile nonproliferation policy.". (c) LICENSING.—Section 71 of the Arms Export Control Act is amended by inserting after subsection (c) the following new subsection: "(d) EXPORTS TO SPACE LAUNCH VEHICLE PROGRAMS. —Within 15 days after the issuance of a license for the export of items valued at less than $14,000,000 that are controlled under this Act pursuant to United States obligations under the Missile Technology Control Regime and intended to support the design, development, or production of a space laimch vehicle system listed m Cat^ory I of the MTCR Annex, the Secretary shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the licensed export and rationale for approving such export, including the consistent of such export with United States missile nonproliferation poUcy. The requirement contained in the preceding sentence shall not apply to licenses for exports to countries that were members of the MTCR as of April 17, 1987. (d) NOTIFICATION OF ADMITTANCE ON MTCR ADHERENTS.—The Arms Export Control Act is amended by inserting after section 73 the following new section: 'SEC. 73A. NOTIFICATION OF ADMITTANCE OF MTCR ADHERENTS. "Following any action by the United States that results in a country becoming a MTCR adherent, the President shall transmit promptly to the Congress a report which describes the rationale for such action, together with an assessment of that country's nonproliferation policies, practices, and commitments. Such report shall also include the text of any agreements or understandings between the United States and such country regarding the terms and conditions of the country's adherence to the MTCR.". SEC. 736. CONTROL OF REEXPORTS TO TERRORIST COUNTRIES. Section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C. App. 2405(j)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(5) The Secretary and the Secretary of State shall include in the notification required by p£u>agraph (2)— "(A) a detailed description of the goods or services to be offered, including a brief description of the capabilities of any article for which a license to export is sought; "(B) the reasons why the foreign country or international organization to which the export or transfer is proposed to be made needs the goods or services which are the subject of such export or transfer and a description of the manner in which such country or organization intends to use such articles, services, or design and construction services; (