Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/629

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PUBLIC LAW 103-239—MAY 4, 1994 108 STAT. 603 (iv) section 262(c)(1)(B) of the Job Training Partnership Act that would otherwise be available for the purposes described in section 262(c)(3) of such Act. (b) USE OF FUNDS. —^A State may use, under the requirements of this Act, Federal funds that are made available to the State and combined under subsection (a) to carry out school-to-work activities, except that the provisions relating to the matters specified in section 502(c), and section 503(b), that relate to the program through which the funds described in subsection (a)(2)(B) were made available, shall remain in effect with respect to the use of such funds. (c) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN APPLICATION.— ^A State seeking to combine funds under subsection (a) shall include in the application described in section 213— (1) a description of the funds the State proposes to combine under the requirements of this Act; (2) the activities to be carried out with such funds; (3) the specific outcomes expected of participants in schoolto-work activities; (4) formal evidence of support for the request by the State agencies or officials with jurisdiction over the funds that would be combined; and (5) such other information as the Secretaries may require. (d) EXTENSION. —The authority of a State to combine funds under this section shall not exceed 5 years, except that the Secretaries may extend such period if the Secretaries determine that an extension of such authority would further the purposes of this Act. (e) LIMITATION. —Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve a State of an obligation to conduct the activities required under section 201(b) of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education and Applied Technology Education Act. TITLE VI—GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 601. REQUIREMENTS. 20 USC 623L The following requirements shall apply to programs under this Act: (1) PROHIBITION ON DISPLACEMENT.— N O student participating in such a program shall displace any currently employed worker (including a partial displacement, such as a reduction in the hours of nonovertime work, wages, or employment benefits). (2) PROHIBITION ON IMPAIRMENT OF CONTRACTS.— No such grogram shall impair existing contracts for services or collective argaining agreements, and no such program that would be inconsistent with the terms of a collective bargaining agreement shall be undertaken without the written concurrence of the labor organization and employer concerned. (3) PROHIBITION ON REPLACEMENT.— No student participating in such a program shall be employed or fill a job— (A) when any other individual is on temporary layoff, with the clear possibility of recall, from the same or any substantially equivalent job with the participating employer; or