Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/650

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108 STAT. 624 PUBLIC LAW 103-252—MAY 18, 1994 Sec. 205. Instructional activities for low-income youth. Sec. 206. Amendment to Stewart B. Mckinney Homeless Assistance Act. Sec. 207. Amendments to the Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1986. Sec. 208. Effective date. TITLE III—LOW-INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE AMENDMENTS Sec. 301. Short title and references. Sec. 302. Statement of piupose. Sec. 303. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 304. Emergency funds. Sec. 305. Authorized uses of funds. Sec. 306. Targeting of assistance to households with high home energy burdens. Sec. 307. Clarification of audit requirement. Sec. 308. Use of Department of Energy weatherization rules to achieve program consistency. Sec. 309. Matters to be described in annual application. Sec. 310. Report of funds available for obligation. Sec. 311. Miscellaneous and technical {unendments. Sec. 312. Residential Energy Assistance Challenge Option (R.E.A.Ch.). Sec. 313. Sense of the Congress regarding appropriations for LIHEAP. Sec. 314. Effective date. TITLE IV—COMMUNITY-BASED FAMILY RESOURCE PROGRAMS Sec. 401. Community-based family resource programs. Sec. 402. Federal Council on Children, Youth, and Famihes. Sec. 403. Family Resource Act. KndS?nte of TITLE I—HEAD START PROGRAMS 1994. SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE; REFERENCES IN TITLE. 42 USC 9801 (a) SHORT TITLE. —This title may be cited as the "Head Start ^o*^ Act Amendments of 1994". (b) REFERENCES. — Except as otherwise specifically provided, whenever in this title an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or a repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to a section or other provision of the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9831 et seq.). SEC. 102. DEFINITIONS. Section 637 (42 U.S.C. 9832) is amended— (1) by striking paragraphs (4) and (5); (2) by striking paragraph (9) and inserting the following new paragraph: (9) The term 'poverty line' means the official poverty line (as defined by the Office of Management and Budget)— "(A) adjusted to reflect the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index For All Urban Consumers, issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, occurring in the 1- year period or other interval immediately preceding the date such adjustment is made; and "(B) adjusted for family size."; (3) by adding after paragraph (11) the following new paragraphs: "(12) The term Tamily literacy services' means services and activities that include interactive Hteracy activities between parents and their children, training for parents on techniques for being the primary teacher of their children and full partners in the education of their children, parent literacy training (including training in English as a second language), and early childhood education. "(13) The term 'Indian tribe' means any tribe, band, nation, pueblo, or other organized group or community of Indians,