Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/100

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108 STAT. 816 PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 Minorities. Women. Morgan State University. New Jersey Institute of Technology. Monmouth College. Federal buildings and facilities. through a statewide or regionwide continuing educational program. (G) the projects the recipient proposes to carry out under the grant. (3)(A) At each regional transportation center, the following shall be carried out: (i) infrastructure research on transportation. (ii) research and training on transportation safety and the transportation of passengers and property and the interpretation, publication, and dissemination of the results of the research. (B) Each transportation center— (i) should carry out research on more than one mode of transportation; and (ii) should consider the proportion of amounts for this subsection from amounts available to carry out urban mass transportation projects under this chapter and from the Highway Trust Fund. (C) At one of the transportation centers, research may be carried out on the testing of new bus models. (4) Before making a grant under this subsection, the Secretary may require the recipient to make an agreement with the Secretary to ensure that the recipient will maintain total expenditures from all other sources to establish and operate a regional transportation center and related research activities at a level at least equal to the average level of those expenditures in its 2 fiscal years prior to April 2, 1987. (5) A grant under this subsection is for 50 percent of the cost of establishing and operating the regional transportation center and related research activities the recipient carries out. (b) GRANTS FOR UNIVERSITY TRANSPORTATION CENTERS.— (1) To accelerate the involvement and participation of minority individuals and women in transportation-related professions, particularly in the science, technology, and engineering disciplines, the Secretary shall make grants to Morgan State University to establish a national center for transportation management, research, and development. The center shall give special attention to designing, developing, and carrying out research, training, and technology transfer activities to increase the number of highly skilled minority individuals and women entering the transportation workforce. (2) The Secretary shall make grants to the New Jersey Institute of Technology to establish and operate a center for transportation and industrial productivity. The center shall conduct research and development activities that focus on ways to increase surface transportation capacity, reduce congestion, and reduce costs for transportation system users and providers through the use of transportation management systems, (3) The Secretary shall make a grant to Monmouth College, West Long Branch, New Jersey, to modify and rebuild Building Number 500 at Monmouth College. Before making the grant, the Secretary shall receive assurances from Monmouth College that the building will be known and designated as the James and Marlene Howard Transportation Information Center and that transportation-related instruction and research in computer science, electronic engineering, mathematics, and software engineering conducted at the building will be coordinated with the Center for