Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/163

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PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 108 STAT. 879 soon as possible, but not later than December 31, 1993, requiring the 2-way end-of-train devices. The regulations at least shall— (A) establish standards for the devices based on performance; (B) prohibit a railroad carrier, on or Eifter the date that is one year after the regulations are prescribed, from acquiring any end-of-train device for use on trains that is not a 2-way device meeting the standards established under clause (A) of this paragraph; (C) require that the trains be equipped with 2-way endof-train devices meeting those standards not later than 4 years after the regulations are prescribed; and (D) provide that any 2-way end-of-train device acquired for use on trains before the regulations are prescribed shall be deemed to meet the standards. (2) The Secretary may consider petitions to amend the regulations prescribed under paragraph (1) of this subsection to allow the use of alternative technologies that meet the same basic performance requirements established by the regulations. (3) In developing the regulations required by paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Secretary shall consider information presented under subsection (a) of this section. (c) EXCLUSIONS. —The Secretary may exclude from regulations prescribed under subsections (a) and (b) of this section any category of trains or rail operations if the Secretary decides that the exclusion Public is in the public interest and is consistent with railroad safety, information. The Secretary shall make public the reasons for the exclusion. The Secretary at least shall exclude from the regulations prescribed under subsection (b)— (1) trains that have manned cabooses; (2) passenger trains with emergency brakes; (3) trains that operate only on track that is not part of the general railroad system; (4) trains that do not exceed 30 miles an hour and do not operate on heavy grades, except for any categories of trains specifically designated by the Secretary; and (5) trains that operate in a push mode. §20142. Track safety (a) REVIEW OF EXISTING REGULATIONS.—Not later than March 3, 1993, the Secretary of Transportation shall begin a review of Department of Transportation regulations related to track safety standards. The review at least shall include an evaluation of— (1) procedures associated with maintaining and installing continuous welded rail and its attendant structure; (2) the need for revisions to regulations on track excepted from track safety standards; and (3) employee safety. (b) REVISION OP REGULATIONS.—Not later than September 3, 1994, the Secretary shall prescribe regulations and issue orders to revise track safety standards, considering safety information presented during the review under subsection (a) of this section and the report of the Comptroller General submitted under subsection (c) of this section. (c) COMPTROLLER GENERAL'S STUDY AND REPORT. —The Comptroller General shall study the effectiveness of the Secretary's enforcement of track safety standards, with particular attention