Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/443

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PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 108 STAT. 1159 (c) MOVING EXPENSES AND REIMBURSEMENTS.— (1) Subject to amounts provided in an appropriation law, an eligible protected employee who relocates shall receive— (A) reasonable moving expense payments to move the employee and the employee's immediate family; and (B) reimbursement payments for a loss incurred in selling the employee's principal place of residence for less than fair market value or in cancelling a lease on, or contract to buy, the residence. (2) The Secretary of Labor shall decide on the amount of the moving expenses and the fair market value of the residence. § 42103. Duty to hire protected employees (a) REHIRING PROTECTED EMPLOYEES.— A protected employee of an air carrier regulated by the Secretary of Transportation who was furloughed or whose employment was ended by the carrier (except for cause) before October 23, 1988, is entitled to be the first employed in the occupational specialty of the employee, regardless of the employee's age, by any other air carrier holding a certificate under section 41102 of this title before October 24, 1978. However, the air carrier may recall its furloughed employees before hiring a protected employee of another air carrier regulated by the Secretary who was furloughed or whose employment was ended by the other carrier (except for cause) before October 23, 1988. i^ employee hired by an air carrier under this section retains seniority and recall rights with the air carrier that furloughed or ended the employment of the employee. (b) DUTIES OF SECRETARY OF LABOR. —-The Secretary of Labor— (1) shall establish and publish periodically a list of jobs Publication, available with an air carrier holding a certificate under section 41102 of this title that includes necessary information and detail; (2) shall assist eligible protected employees to find other employment; (3) shall encourage negotiations between air carriers and representatives of employees on rehiring practices and seniority; and (4) may require an air carrier to file with the Secretary information necessary to carry out this section. § 42104. Congressional review of regulations (a) DEFINITION.—In this section, "legislative day" means a calendar day on which both Houses of Congress are in session. (b) SUBMISSION TO CONGRESS. —The Secretary of Labor may not prescribe a regulation under this subchapter until 30 legislative days after the regulation is submitted to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Public Works and Transportation of the House of Representatives. (c) EFFECTIVENESS OF REGULATIONS.—A proposed regulation under this subchapter shall be submitted to Congress and becomes effective only if, during the period of 60 legislative days after the regulation is submitted to Congress, either House does not pass a resolution disapproving the regulation. However, if Congress adopts a resolution approving the regulation during the 60-day period, the regulation is effective on that date.