Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/828

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108 STAT. 1544 PUBLIC LAW 103-296—AUG. 15, 1994 (h) TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO TITLE XVI. —(1) Section 1631 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1383) is amended— (A) in the 1st subsection (n), by striking "subsection" and inserting "title"; and (B) by redesignating the 2nd subsection (n) as subsection (o). (2) Section 1613(a) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1382b(a)) is amended— (A) by striking "and" at the end of paragraph (9); (B) by striking the period at the end of the 1st paragraph (10) and inserting "; and"; and (C) by redesignating the 2nd paragraph (10) as paragraph (11). 42 USC 1382b (3) EFFECTIVE DATE.— The amendments made by this subsection "0*®- shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act. Approved August 15, 1994. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 4277 (S. 1560): HOUSE REPORTS: Nos. 103-506 (Comm. on Ways and Means) and 103-670 (Comm. of Conference). SENATE REPORTS: No. 103-221 accompanying S. 1560 (Comm. on Finance). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 140 (1994): Mar. 2, S. 1560 considered and passed Senate. May 17, H.R. 4277 considered and passed House. May 23, considered and passed Senate, amended. Aug. 5, Senate agreed to conference report. Aug. 11, House agreed to conference report. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 30 (1994): Aug. 15, Presidential remarks and statement.