Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 3.djvu/424

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108 STAT. 2176 PUBLIC LAW 103-325—SEPT. 23, 1994 (C) SANCTIONS. —The agreement shall provide that, in the event of fraud, mismanagement, noncompliance with this subtitle, or noncompliance with the terms of the agreement, the Fund, in its discretion, may— (i) require changes to the performance goals imposed pursuant to subparagraph (B); (ii) require changes to the strategic plan submitted pursuant to section 105(b)(2); (iii) revoke approval of the application; (iv) reduce or terminate assistance; (v) require repayment of assistance; (vi) bar an applicant from reapplying for assistance from the Fund; and (vii) take such other actions as the Fund deems appropriate. (D) CONSULTATION WITH TRIBAL GOVERNMENTS. — In reviewing the performance of any assisted community development financial institution, the investment area of which includes an Indian reservation, or the targeted population of which includes an Indian tribe, the Fund shall consult with, and seek input from, any appropriate tribal government. (g) AUTHORITY TO SELL EQUITY INVESTMENTS AND LOANS.— The Fund may, at any time, sell its equity investments and loans, but the Fund shall retain the power to enforce limitations on assistance entered into in accordance with the requirements of this subtitle until the performance goals related to the investment or loan have been met. (h) No AUTHORITY TO LIMIT SUPERVISION AND REGULATION.— Nothing in this subtitle shall affect any authority of the appropriate Federal banking agency to supervise and regulate any institution or company. 12 USC 4708. SEC. 109. TRAINING. (a) IN GENERAL. — The Fund may operate a training program to increase the capacity and expertise of community development financial institutions and other members of the financial services industry to undertake community development finance activities. (b) PROGRAM ACTIVITIES.— The training program shall provide educational programs to assist community development financial institutions and other members of the financial services industry in developing lending and investment products, underwriting and servicing loans, managing equity investments, and providing development services targeted to areas of economic distress, low-income persons, and persons who lack adequate access to loans and equity investments. (c) PARTICIPATION.—The training program shall be made available to community development financial institutions and other members of the financial services industry that serve or seek to serve areas of economic distress, low-income persons, and persons who lack adequate access to loans and equity investments. (d) CONTRACTING,—The Fund may ofTer the training program described in this section directly or through a contract with other organizations. The Fund may contract to provide the training program through organizations that possess special expertise in community development, without regard to whether the organizations receive or are eligible to receive assistance under this subtitle.