Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 3.djvu/679

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PUBLIC LAW 103-329—SEPT. 30, 1994 108 STAT. 2431 (8) The Uruguay Round has now concluded and the former and current United States Trade Representative, as well as other key cabinet-level officials, have stated that Canada will be in violation of its NAFTA obligations if it does not eliminate its newly imposed tariffs on chickens. (9) The United States chicken industry has waited patiently for access to Canadian markets, which would be the United States largest export market for chickens if it were fully open. (10) NAFTA should lead to free and completely open trade for the chicken industry between the United States and Canada, as it will between the United States and Mexico. (11) The United States and Canada are currently holding discussions to resolve this and other bilateral agricultural matters. (b) SENSE OF THE SENATE. —It is the sense of the Senate that— (1) the United States should reserve all current and future rights to bring Canada into compliance with its tariff obligations under NAFTA, including the use of bilateral or multilateral dispute settlement proceedings; and (2) any agreement that is negotiated between the United States and Canada on chickens should lead to— (A) substantial and immediate new market access opportunities for United States chicken exports in excess of the levels that have already been achieved; and (B) a commitment from Canada before the effective date of the Uruguay Round Agreements which— (i) establishes a timeframe for the elimination of all of Canada's tariffs on chickens; and (ii) provides for growth in market access levels for United States chicken exports to Canada during the period such tariffs are being phased out. SEC. 636. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act may be used to pay for the expenses of travel of employees, including employees of the Executive Office of the President, not directly responsible for the discharge of official governmental tasks and duties: Provided, That this restriction shall not apply to the family of the President, Members of Congress or their spouses, Heads of State of a foreign country or their designee(s), persons providing assistance to the President for official purposes, or other individuals so designated by the President. SEC. 637. CONGRESSIONAL AWARD PROGRAM MEDALS. — Section 3 of the Congressional Award Act (2 U.S.C. 802) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) by striking "gold, silver, and bronze"; and (B) by striking the last sentence and inserting the following: "Each medal shall consist of gold-plate over bronze, rhodium over bronze, or bronze and shall be struck in accordance with subsection if)."', and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(f) CONGRESSIONAL AWARD PROGRAM MEDALS.— "(1) DESIGN AND STRIKING.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall strike the medals described in subsection (a) and awarded by the Board under this Act. Subject to subsection (a), the medals shall be of such quantity, design, and specifications as the Secretary of the Treasury may determine, after consultation with the Board.