108 STAT. 2482 PUBLIC LAW 103-331—SEPT. 30, 1994 legal action initiated by the P&W Railroad under its existing contracts with Amtrak relating to the provision of vertical clearances between Davisville and Central Falls in excess of those required for present freight operations. PENNSYLVANIA STATION REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT For grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, $40,000,000, to remain available until expended, for engineering, design and construction activi* es to enable the James A. Farley Post Office in New York City to be used as a train station and commercial center: Provided, That the Secretary may retain from these funds such amounts as the Secretary shall deem appropriate to undertake the environmental and historic preservation analyses associated with this project: Provided further. That none of these funds may be expended for construction activities (except for emergency and short-term and related repairs and environmental restoration) until the participants have entered into a binding agreement satisfactory to the Secretary that contains financial and related commitments from the participants sufficient to ensure the completion of the project: Provided further. That no funds provided under this head shall be available until authorized by law. FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES For necessary administrative expenses of the Federal Transit Administration's programs authorized by the Federal Transit Act and 23 U.S.C. chapter 1 in connection with these activities, including hire of passenger motor vehicles and services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, $43,060,000. FORMULA GRANTS (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Foi necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of sections 9, 16(b)i.2), and 18 of the Federal Transit Act, to remain available until expended, $1,350,000,000: Provided, That no more than $2,500,000,000 of budget authority shall be available for these purposes: Provided further. That of the funds provided under this head for formula grants no more than $710,000,000 may be used for operating assistance under section 9(k)(2) of the Federal Transit Act: Provided further. That of the funds provided under this head, $16,000,000 shall be available for grants for the costs of planning, delivery and temporary use of transit vehicles for special transportation needs of the XXVth Summer Olympiad and the Xth Paralympiad for the Disabled, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, of which $5,600,000 shall be available for the Paralympic Games: Provided further. That in allocating the funds designated in the preceding proviso, the Secretary may make grants to any public body the Secretary deems appropriate, and such grants shall not be subject to any local share requirement or limitation on operating assistance under this Act or the Federal Transit Act: Provided further. That of the funds made available under this head, $8,000,000 shall be transferred to the Federal Transit Administration's Transit Planning and Research account and be administered