Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/106

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108 STAT. 4674 PUBLIC LAW 103-446—NOV. 2, 1994 official by means prescribed by such official. However, Eissistance under this subtitle may not be provided to the employer if such official, within two weeks after the date on which such notice is transmitted, disapproves the eligible person's entry into that program ofjob training in accordance with this sectioa". TITLE VII—EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS SEC. 701. JOB COUNSELING, TRAINING, AND PLACEMENT. (a) DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF LABOR FOR VETERANS' 38 USC 4102A. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. —Section 4102A(a) is amended— (1) by striking out "(1)" and "(2)" and inserting in lieu thereof "(A)" and "(B)", respectively; (2) by inserting "(1)" after "(a)"; and (3) by adding at the end the following:

  • (2) There shall be within the Department of Labor a Deputy

Assistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans' Employment and Training. The Deputy Assistant Secretary shall perform such functions as the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans' Employment and Training prescribes. The Deputy Assistant Secretary shall be a veteran.". (b) DVOP SPECIALISTS COMPENSATION RATES.— Section 38 USC 4103A. 4103A(a)(l) is amended by striking out "a rate not less than the rate prescribed for an entry level professional" and inserting in lieu thereof "rates comparable to those paid other professionals performing essentially similar duties". (c) SPECIAL UNEMPLOYMENT STUDY. — Subsection (a) of section 38 USC 4110A. 4110A is amended to read as follows: "(a)(1) The Secretary, through the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shall conduct a study every two years of unemployment among each of the following categories of veterans: " (A) Special disabled veterans. "(B) Veterans of the Vietnam era who served in the Vietnam theater of operations during the Vietnam era. "(C) Veterans who served on active duty during the Vietnam era who did not serve in the Vietnam theater of operations. "(D) Veterans who served on active duty after the Vietnam era. "(E) Veterans dischai^ed or released from active duty within four years of the applicable study. Women. "(2) Within each of the categories of veterans specified in paragraph (1), the Secret€uy shall include a separate category for women who are veterans. Reports. "(3) The Secretary shall promptiy submit to Congress a report on the results of each study under paragraph (1).". SEC. 702. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING OF VETERANS. 38 USC 4212. (a) FEDERAL CONTRACTS. —Section 4212(a) is amended by striking out "all of its suitable employment openings," in clause (1) of the third sentence and inserting in heu thereof "all of its employ- ment openings except that the contractor may exclude openings for executive and top management positions, positions wluch are to be filied from within the contractor's organization, sind positions lasting three days or less,".