Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/120

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108 STAT. 4688 PUBLIC LAW 103-446—NOV. 2, 1994 (B) in paragraph (4), by striking out "Within nine months of the date of the enactment of this subsection and at such times thereafter as*' and inserting in lieu thereof "At such times as". (h) AMENDMENTS TO HEADINGS AND TABLES OF CONTENTS.— Title 38, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) The table of chapters before part I and the table of chapters at the beginning of part in are amended by striking out the item relating to chapter 42 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "42. Employment and Training of Veterans 4211". (2) The heading of section 2106 is amended by revising each word after the first word so that the initial letter of each such word is lower case. (3) The item relating to subchapter III in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 73 is amended to read as follows: "SUBCHAPTER III—PROTECTION OF PATIENT RIGHTS". (4) The heading of section 7458 is amended to read as follows: "§ 7458. Recruitment and retention bonus pay". (5) The heading of chapter 81 is amended by inserting "ENHANCED-USE" before "LEASES OF REAL". (6) The item relating to section 8126 in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 81 is amended to read as follows: "8126. Limitation on prices of drugs procured by Department and certain other Federal agencies.". (i) OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CORRECTIONS. —Title 38, United States Code, is amended as follows: 38 USC 1718. (1) Section 1718(c)(1) is amended by inserting "of Veterans Affairs" after "Department" in the first sentence. 38 USC 1922. (2) Section 1922(b)(4) is amended by striking out "Notwithstanding" and all that follows through "title," and inserting in lieu thereof "Notwithstanding section 1917 of this title,. 38 USC 1969. (3) Section 1969(d)(3) is amended by striking out "General Operating Expenses, Department" and inserting in lieu thereof "General Operating Expenses, Department of Veterans Affairs". 38USe30i8A. (4) Section 3018A(a)(l) is amended by striking "after December 31, 1990," and all that follows through "whichever is later," and inserting in lieu thereof "after February 2, 1991,". 38 USC 3121. (5) Section 3121(a)(3) is amended by striking out "Department of Veterans' Benefits" and inserting in lieu thereof "Veterans Benefits Administration". 38 USC 3680. (6) Section 3680(a)(C) is amended by striking out "1 full" and inserting in Heu thereof "one fuU". 38 USC 4110. (7) Section 4110(e)(3)(B) is amended— (A) by striking out", United States Code,"; and (B) by striking out "the Board" and inserting in lieu thereof'^e advisory committee". 38 USC 5110. (8) Section 5110 is amended by striking out subsection (m). 38 USC 7315. (9) Section 7315(b)(2) is amended by striking out "Department" and inserting in lieu thereof "Veterans' Aofministration". 38 USC 8111. (10) Section 8111(f)(6) is amended by inserting "of Defense" after "the Secretary" the second place it appears.