Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/399

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"""^I^l^,; PUBLIC LAW 103-465—DEC. 8, 1994 108 STAT. 4967 (b) RAILWAY CAR INSPECTION. —Subsection (a) of the Act of Januar5^ 31, 1942 (56 Stat 40, chapter 31; 7 U.S.C. 149), is amended by striking "from Mexico". (c) FEDERAL PLANT PEST ACT.—The Federal Plant Pest Act (7 U.S.C. 150aa et seq.) is amended— (1) so that section 103 (7 U.S.C. 150bb) reads as follows: "SEC. 103. MOVEMENT OF PESTS PROmBITED. "(a) IN GENERAL.—No person shall import or enter any plant pest into the United States, or move any plaint pest interstate, or accept delivery of any plsint pest moving from any foreign country into or through the United States, or interstate, unless the movement is made in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may promulgate to prevent the dissemination into the United States, or interstate, of plant pests. "(b) REGULATIONS.—The regulations promulgated by the Secretary to implement subsection (a) may include regulations requiring tnat a plant pest moving into or through the United States, or interstate— "(1) be accompanied by a permit issued by the Secretary prior to the movement of the plant pest; or "(2) be accompanied by a certificate of inspection issued, in a manner and foim required by the Secretary, by appropriate officiails of the country or State from which the plant pest is to be moved."; and (2) in section 104 (7 U.S.C. 150cc)— (A) so that subsection (a) reads as follows: "(a) Any letter, parcel, box, or other package containing any plant pest, whether seialed as letter-rate postal matter or not, is nonmgolable, and shall not knowingly be conveyed in the mail or delivered from any post office or by any mail carrier, unless it is mailed in conformance with such regulations as the Secretary may promulgate to prevent the dissemination into the United States, or interstate, of plant pests."; (B) by striking subsection (b); and (C) by redesignating subsections (c) and (d) as subsections (b) and (c), respectively. (d) PLANT QUARANTINE ACT.— The Act of August 20, 1912 (37 Stat 315, chapter 308; 7 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) (commonly known as the "Plant Quarantine Act") is amended— (1) so that the first section (7 U.S.C. 151) reads as follows: "SECTION 1. IMPORTATION OF NURSERY STOCK. 7 USC 154. "(a) IN GENERAL.—No person shall— "(1) import or enter into the United States any nursery stock; or "(2) accept delivery of any nursery stock moving fix)m any foreign country into or through the United States; unless the movement is made in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may promulgate to prevent dissemination into the United States of plant pests, plant diseases, or insect pests. "(b) REGULATIONS.— The regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture to implement subsection (a) may include regulations requiring that nursery stock moving into or through the United States— "(1) be accomp;sinied by a permit issued by the Secretary of Agriculture prior to the movement of the nursery stock;