Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/43

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PUBLIC LAW 103-439—NOV. 2, 1994 108 STAT. 4611 this Article VI(b) unless that state's total volume of waste recorded on low-level radioactive waste manifests for any year is more than 10% of the total volume recorded on such manifests for the region during the same year. In determining the 10% exclusion, there shall not be included waste recorded on low-level radioactive waste manifests by a person whose principal business is providing a service by arranging for the collection, transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of such waste, or waste described in Article VII(a)(6). ". (12) Section (c) of article VI of the compact is repealed. (13) Section (e) of article VI of the compact is amended 99 Stat. 1887. to read as follows: "e) Any party state designated as a host state may request the Commission to relieve that state of the responsibility to serve as a host state. The Commission may relieve a party state of this responsibility upon a showing by the requesting party state that no feasible potential regional facility site of the type it is designated to host exists within its borders or for other good cause shown and consistent with the purposes of this Compact.". (14) Sections (1) and (m) of article VI of the compact are amended to read as follows: "D A host state intending to close a regional facility located within its borders shall notify the Commission in writing of its intention and the reasons. Notification shall be given to the Commission at least five years prior to the intended date of closure. This Section shall not prevent an emergency closing of a regional facility by a host state to protect its air, land and water resources and the health and safety of its citizens. However, a host state which has an emergency closing of a regional facility shall notify the Commission in writing within 3 working days of its action and shall, within 30 working days of its action, demonstrate justification for the closing. "m) If a regional facility closes before an additional or new facility becomes operational, waste generated within the region may be shipped temporarily to any location agreed on by the Commission until a regional facility is operational, provided that the region's waste shall not be stored in a party state with a total volume of waste recorded on low-level radioactive waste manifests for any year which is less than 10% of the total volume recorded on the manifests for the region during the same year. In determining the 10% exclusion, there shall not be included waste recorded on low-level radioactive waste manifests by a person whose principal business is providing a service by arranging for the collection, transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of such waste, or waste described in Article VII(a)(6).". (15) Sections (o) through (q) of article VI of the compact 99Stjit. 1889. are amended to read as follows: "o) The host state shall create an 'Extended Care and Long- Term Liability Fund' and shall allocate sufficient fee revenues, received pursuant to Article VI(i), to provide for the costs of: "1) decommissioning and other procedures required for the proper closure of a regional facility; "2) monitoring, inspection and other procedures required for the proper extended care of a regional facility; "3) undertaking any corrective action or clean-up necessary to protect human health and the environment from radioactive releases from a regional facility; and